WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2015

Good grief! Another week!  

In case you missed it, Heather is now grandma to a little girl (as yet unnamed); Rita and tortoises have arrived safely at daughter's but tortoises got up to mischief; Diane is finishing up her freelance assignment, AQ's car floor mats have disintegrated, and OG has been doing the ironing.  I've been out in the garden - how unusual. Anyway, it's all happening!

Have a good Monday all - it's the longest Monday of the year, so make the most of it..

  • Oh! Lots of posts.... ..... Heather first - sorry you're encountering problems over there, do hope as Annette says, that it can be sorted out soon. Thinking of you.
  • Wet day, lovely evening. We are both very discombobulated this week! J was out so much last weekend and again this weekend for various reasons, that we hardly know what day it is, and are having trouble buying the right food for the two or three of us! He is at music practice this evening, staff end-of-term dinner tomorrow, playing at both services Sunday – but on Sunday, we are all three meeting up for lunch together, for belated Fathers’ Day and J’s birthday (on Monday).

    Saw my GP this morning to discuss medications as I really can’t tolerate the paracetamol which the hospital nurses keep telling me to take! I am trying an anti-inflammatory; there are risks, but she said that with my regular blood tests and being an intelligent person she thinks I can keep myself safe by using it sensibly and feel better for it.

    Good to hear from George and Margo on here today, and everyone else who has posted. Going out tomorrow morning to a fundraiser at church and to buy myself a new electric toothbrush as mine g r o u n d  s l o w l y  to   a   h   a   l   t  this week.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Annette - I use just a Sony point & shoot, which does have settings but mostly I put it into Automatic mode and just tell it whether it's a moving target or a distant focus, and usually it does it all for me very well! I'm thinking of getting a new camera though, with the wedding looming later in the summer. Am cogitating on what to get, as I like the look of the new digital bridge cameras, but they are a bit bigger and so harder to slip into a coat pocket! I tried on the whole wedding ensemble this afternoon, and my OH looked quite surprised that I cleaned up so smart, LOL!! I'm very pleased with the effect - the dress is several colours with a black streak through, so I have a short shrug like jacket in one of the colours, and all my accessories are black, which seems to make it look more elegant. I especially like the headgear as its on a band so I shan't have to worry about it moving around. The shoes will be uncomfortable if I wear them for too long, LOL! I shall have to practice wearing them or I will fall off before I even get to the wine!! My family are used to me being embarrassing......... but I will be trying to be serious and mature! Can't wait to see little Amber as she is to be wearing a specially made outfit to match the bridesmaids. Sorry, going on too long today and getting boring again....
  • OG - hope the doc can work with you to sort out your meds. My Friend has the same problem, and also has to take a lot of different meds for all her different problems. She says she knows that the professionals trust her to be sensible, as she has a brain in her head! You all sound very busy there, hope you can sit down for some parts of the weekend! Enjoy your sale tomorrow, and get your toothbrush!
  • Brenda - thanks for more news of Margo. I've not seen "our" hedgehog for a few years, sadly. We used to see one pottering around when it got dark in the late evenings, and also found their little poos on the lawn. Don't know if its because our garden is now more fenced off, or if hedgehogs are in decline :-(
  • Hello All -   nice to hear from you Margo, so sorry that you have been feeling down but very understandable. We are all thinking about you and hoping that you will feel a bit brighter soon.  Lovely picture of little Billie, so relaxed.  We have a lovely ginger and white cat here called Hugo, very affectionate,   My son brought him back from the Surgery where he had been for about a month but nobody had claimed him.  he does not like Amber much, she keeps dancing about in front of him wanting to play, I am afraid she will get a scratch on the nose if she does not keep away.

    George - Glad you have your boiler maintenance done already, mine needs doing twice a year and I sometimes leave it too late and something goes wrong before I get around to it.

    Lindy- So glad that you have sorted out your outfit so quickly for the Wedding, you must be getting quite excited about it now.   I am sure that Amber will look really lovely.   Liked your wild flower photos very much.

    Brenda - very glad to hear that Penny arrived safely in Singapore, was she not able to travel on the same plane as your son?   NIneteen floors up!  that seems quite a trek for them every time that Penny needs to go outside.   I laughed about you mentioning the police seeing five tortoises in the boot of my car, it would take some explaining!

    Annette - We have eight tortoises here, four large ones and four small ones but it is very easy to tell them apart even at a distance as they all have different markings and colourings and shapes although only two species.  They all have their own characters too!   Some more greedy, some more adventurous  and dare I say it, one or two with very strong mating instincts!

  • A wee bit nippy this morn. Min temp (while I was tucked up under my doona) was 2.9 C. Sun is shining now.

    Love the pic of Billie.

  • Evening all: Nodded off in the garden for about 40 minutes after lunch - bliss!

    Lindybird: That really is a cute little hedgehog. Hard to imagine anything that cute actually hogging the hedges!  Ah, Googled it and the National Geographic explains that it grunts like a hog while it's digging for eats.  Small grunts I assume.    Just read your post referring to my post to Heather stating that I hope the problems in France can be sorted out soon.  Gave me a bit of a shock (is Lindybird psychic?) since I'd just that minute finished typing it! Then realized you were likely talking about Brenda's post.  Now have to figure out what the heck a digital bridge camera is!  Good that you cleaned up okay and have wedding ensemble sorted, but please don't try to be too sensible and mature.  :-)

    Heather: Hope the problems over the channel are able to be dealt without too much more angst.

    Brenda: Good to know you're in touch with Margo/

    OG:  Glad you were able to make an appointment with J for lunch on Sunday!  :-)   Good luck with the meds.

    Rita: Can't imagine anyone not claiming a pet from the vet. How sweet of you to give him a home. I'm sure Amber will get the message soon enough. Do your tortoises have names?

    AQ:  Gosh, another Google Moment on here, what with "doona."  :-)   Sounds like a duvet though Urban Dictionary says it's Ozzie slang for quilt or blanket.....  Hmmm.

    Diane: Just checked the Wundermap and looks like you've had a bunch of nasty storms overhead this evening.  Hope you're not huddled behind the mattress and that you're recovering from the freelance project and will emerge refreshed soon.

    Off to find some rubbish on tele to occupy me for the evening in between researching cars on the 'net.....  Another exciting Friday evening!

  • Good Morning Everyone. Dry here and could be sunny so searching out some of our grubby clothes for washing - some of my trousers have dog drool on them! Annette - don't know where your name came from last night, I was rushing to write & you must have been on my mind, LOL! Hope you can find the car you want. I think that hedgehogs give very small grunts! - I remember my parents putting out bread & milk for them years ago and hearing that! Not recommended nowadays as a good food for them, but we didn't know that, then.
  • Glad you're a bit cooler, AQ. Hope you can get some proper rest between bouts of Nanny duty....RITA - Now we want photos of the lovely Hugo! I was amused, too, to think of eight tortoises cavorting together! I used to love mine, we had two at a time when I was a youngster.