WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2015

Good grief! Another week!  

In case you missed it, Heather is now grandma to a little girl (as yet unnamed); Rita and tortoises have arrived safely at daughter's but tortoises got up to mischief; Diane is finishing up her freelance assignment, AQ's car floor mats have disintegrated, and OG has been doing the ironing.  I've been out in the garden - how unusual. Anyway, it's all happening!

Have a good Monday all - it's the longest Monday of the year, so make the most of it..

  • So good to see a post from you, Margo. You have cheered all of us,  ' miserable lot ' up now. LOL   XX

  • Margo it is great to hear from you and I think we can all appreciate how you must feel after being so active and relating to us all your holidays adventures and your dancing in the aisles at the the concerts you went to. You have been an inspiration to us and when we were were down you were one of the first to pick us up so any help we can give to help you is given unreservedly.

    On a different note the weather here is miserable and raining so there is not a lot I can do. I have had the gas engineer in this morning servicing the boiler which he said was in first class condition so I am again ready for the winter which at the rate that the months are going in will be here before we know it but the weather we are getting here at the moment I don't think it has gone away.

    Hope everyone keeps well  

    george g

  • Sorry to hear about your rotten weather, George - its frustrating when you can't get out and about. Nice to know that you're ready for winter! The seasons do seem to come around amazingly fast the older we become, don't they?! I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments regarding Margo, who has been such a stalwart of these threads through many years. Nice to hear from you, Margo, and we can feel your frustration that you can no longer do some of the things you looked forward to. It's good that you can still follow our lovely Ospreys but we are all of us a little sad that there are no Humbugs nor Gems on the LG nest this year. Looking at the other nests there are however success stories showing how nature gets on with things whatever life throws at it. And how wonderful it is that we still have our beloved EJ looking healthy & fiesty, not to mention her handsome beau Odin.
  • More for Margo, having reread her post - I was sorry to hear the sad news of your old friend, how awful for his daughter. As you say, we should all try at least to enjoy every day as happily, we don't know what the future brings. I had a lot of depression as a teenager and again later when the children were small & I was more or less stuck at home. I did try then to find pleasure in the little things, but its not always an easy thing to do. Nowadays I do find more solace in "enjoying the moment" but its taken some years for me to reach the point where I feel on more of an even keel. Losing some friends and relatives, as you do the older you become, yourself, makes you feel you should enjoy whatever you can of each and every day as you are still here, yourself. End of homily!!!
  • Another animal pic, after that glum post!
  • George g have sent a friend request as I would like to make a personal reply to thank you so much for your very kind thoughts.

  • Another big decision from the U.S. Supreme Court this morning; will be very interesting to see how some states that are against gay marriage will react. Must say it hasn't been a good news week for a lot of conservatives.

    Margo: Great to see a post from you!  Sorry about the concert though, especially as you've had to miss similar events over the last year or so, etc. and now the entertainer himself is ill! What a nerve eh?  So nice your OH had a good time in London - and good luck too at the racecourse. I guess there's no way you could get to a race.... What about those mobility thingies? I'm sure you must have or qualify for a temporary sticker for your car that would let you into special parking. Just a thought. Billie obviously has no such ambitions to be out and about. :-)

    Lindybird: Those photos/flowers are really gorgeous. What camera are you using?  "They" have done all kinds of studies that the over 60s is (are?) the happiest generation. I think it's because our expectations are much more realistic. But back to the important stuff: How did your wedding outfit look? You don't want to topple over - people will think you've had too much champagne and then they'll be discussing you for years: "Do you remember that wedding where Lindybird had too much to drink and fell over on the dance floor?"  :-))

    AQ: Would be lovely to think that nanny duty might just possibly be improving. Suggest Miss 3 be sent off to day care - or locked in a closet while others are napping.  Just kidding....  ?  Glad you survived the toothache.  I also would like to know who's been messing with the week, chopping out entire days it seems!

    Brenda: I was in Glastonbury eons ago, but no festival at that time - just peace and quiet. Climbed the Tor for a lovely view of the countryside. Mud seems to be a required part of many of these kinds of events.

    George: Always nice when you drop in - and this time with such a great post to Margo. Thanks for speaking for all of us. Hope you're keeping okay and that the weather will warm up before real winter arrives.

    Off to Trader Joe's, then some other errands.

  • Lindy cute pic of the hedgehog. We were delighted to find a hedgehog running round our back garden. Have lived hear nearly 8 years and this was the first time we had ever seen one.

  • Hi guys

    Taking a day or so out from posting but reading all!!

    What a lovely post from GEORGE to  MARGO, he speaks for all of us.

    AQ - it must have been the combined wishes of all of us that gave you that quiet nanny day!! Sorry though that your daughter had had a bad night, previously.

    Problems in France, I can't discuss here but quite worrying and preocupying.

    I'll be back at some point :-)

  • George, Sorry about your weather, but it looks as though things may improve for you next week.

    Linda, Loved your flower photographs and the hedgehog is lovely. Unlike Margo, i can't remember when I last saw a hedgehog in a garden.

    Heather, {{ Hugs }}. I hate to think that you have a further problem. I hope it can all be sorted ASAP.

    I spoke to Margo again this afternoon. The weather is warm / humid down here, but before our telephone call,  she was shocked by the noise of a heavy hail shower, which was very noisy on her conservatory roof.