google earth streetwalk
In February we said goodbye to Millicent, EJ's 100th chick to fledge from the famous nest. We continue to watch Breagha, our only remaining tagged osprey juvenile.
In March we await the arrival of EJ and Oden, to start another family of fascinating bobbleheads.
BGGW and Vivien of BGGW have posted a great picture of the Glaslyn Female shortly after she arrived home yesterday. She went off and caught a fish and returned ti the perch to enjoy it whilst awaiting Orange 11.
I know some of you prefer not to have Facebook so I hope BGGW and Vivien do not mind me showing you it.
She is looking in tremendous condition.
THANKS TO VIVIEN @ BGGW and to BGGW from FB Pages.
View from Dunblane at 09:34. Probably the most eclipsed we got in Centarl Scotland 90 + %
Was fortunate to get that as there was a slight thin cloud which acted as a filter and only used my Bridge Camera.
Good afternoon all Gabbers. Keith thats a lovely photo of the eclipse! We could not see it as it was too cloudy but did notice it going a bit darker! Not enough to stop our beautiful mistle thrushes singing!
Many thanks Keith for sharing the photo of the Glaslyn female for those of us who do not have facebook,much appreciated! She does indeed look in great condition considering the huge mileage she has flown :)
Just read the update on Rutlands 30(05) link kindly posted by Karen. She has made amazing progress and making up for a slow start! Shes not too far from Europe and hope she arrives home safely! Wonderful bird she is
Fantastic, Keith! CONGRATULATIONS on being able to see this event and on your lovely capture.
I suspect there are more?
hello Wilow & Gabbers, Was awake at 4;30 a.m. and connected with Dianes link. boring at moment & lacked patience to wait for better so back to sleep'
osprey arrivals are encouraging.
from Facebook
From Facebook
58willow said: Just read the update on Rutlands 30(05) link kindly posted by Karen. She has made amazing progress and making up for a slow start! Shes not too far from Europe and hope she arrives home safely! Wonderful bird she is
I think next week will see a good number of our known and followed birds returning to their nests - I think this week are the early birds at Rutland and Glaslyn.