Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 1 March 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

Thursday, March 5, is the Full Moon.


On March 6, NASA's Dawn spacecraft will arrive at the dwarf planet Ceres. Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The Dawn space probe will spend several months observing Ceres and sending back the first close-up images of a dwarf planet in our solar system. You can watch the spacecraft's arrival at Ceres on a special broadcast of the Slooh Observatory:

U.K.: Friday 6 March at 6:00 p.m.
Eastern U.S.: 6 March at 1:00 p.m.
California: 6 March at 10:00 a.m. 

Scientists have already detected mysterious bright spots on Ceres and are anxious to discover what they are. INFO

Everyone have a great week!

  • Hi Margobird we will keep our fingers crossed for you too

    We hope all goes well on your blood test.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Limpy said:

    I have a Welsh half sister, now I know why they have a dragon on the flag!

    LOL Limpy. I hope there is is no chance that she will read your post. You could be in trouble :-)))

  • Margo, So pleased to read that your OH is definitely taking a few days off work at last. I don't think he will be very happy with the football result. 2 - 0 to Chelsea at the moment :-((

    I hope all goes well tomorrow and especially Tuesday. Good to see you are eating well. Enjoy West Bay. Tomorrow's weather looks dry, but still windy. X

  • Hello, All. I see we have some recent returning or new “Chatters” – welcome!

    Dau#1 and appendages arrived quite early before lunch yesterday, but the meal turned out well and they all seemed to enjoy it. They went off to explore Gretna Green after lunch, which was useful as it left us free to wash up! The rain held off till they were nearly back, for a music session with J, GDau#2 and the two European students. Then more food for tea, a short sit down and they were away about 8:30. They got home safely, despite the wind over the Pennines.

    Today had been cold but dry and mostly sunny, but we had a quiet recovery day! I phone Dau#2 for a long chat, and have been on FB chatting with GDau#1, who is hoping to see us at Eastertime. Our first (Tete a Tete) Daffodils came out for St David’s Day – and we had Leeks at dinner!

    Diane – thanks for starting our new week and for the sky info! I hope you will have a better week yourself, with some warmer weather.

    Annette – sorry the rain missed out your garden. I really should have remembered Peanut’s name, sorry.

    Linda – the cold is not so bad this evening, so it’s on its way out. I hope you enjoyed the walk, and that the macs in the rucksack kept any rain away!

    Limpy – pleased you found a car to suit Clare and the budget. I hope your back is much better now.

    Margo – so pleased your OH can take some time off, and that you are getting out and about and enjoying some meals out too. Hope all is well with your blood test and consultant visit!

    I am surprised we didn’t hear from George today – can anyone remember which week he was going to visit his Son and DiL?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG, I found this from George's post.

    " I have decided to go up to my sons at the beginning of next month for a short break and as Scotrail are running their 55 club deal I get my return..."

  • Thanks, BRENDA, so that could be today (or he might be busy packing!)  Sorry I was too lazy to check it out myself!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi folks, had to sign in again but never mind.

    Margo - good to hear from you and that you are making progress and hope the blood test proves OK.

    The person I was referring to re cancer died yesterday at noon. He had been suffering from pneumonia after being sent home after his first bout of radiotherapy with an infection. Was soon back in hospital because of it. As you can imagine his wife was devastated but at least he wasn't suffering for long.

    On a happier note we had a 3 day old baby in church with us, born to parents who attend.  He was as good as gold. Was asked to sing with the music group this morning which I felt privileged.

    Weather has been mixed today, started off bright and sunny and changed to showers. Cold spell forecast for this week and then milder air for next week - we'll see!!!!

    Mum was with junior a short time ago - tonights pic.

      the weather looks a bit wet there.

  • Sorry, forgot to mention - thanks Diane for starting us off and for the info re Ceres

  • Evening all:  Got some rain overnight - hurray!  Maybe some showers tomorrow too.   :-)

    Got tires on car: Costco is very good coz you also get road-hazard coverage and free rotation and balancing for the life of the tire.  I left the car with them and went tootling off; bought Lightning a brand new cozy bed and a few things from the Farmers' Market which sets up across from the stores.

    Keith: I remember mining towns used to have marvelous male choirs. Thanks for the reminder.

    Limpy: Great that you're doing well and still loving Minsmere.  

    Clare: Hurray for a new-to-you-car. Sending best wishes for the new week. :-)

    Margo: Don't worry about posting, especially when you can spend time with your sister. Hope your OH can find some time to relax and that you both enjoy your day out Monday. We saw two whales during my second shift - the count is pretty high already for this early in the season - 124 - with 19 today! They do seem to be migrating earlier than usual; I'll ask Mike tomorrow what he thinks is going on with them....

    OG: Sounds like a nice day with the family.

    Lynette:  Congrats on your singing role at church, but sorry to hear you had bad news too.

    OK: Off to watch finale of Downtown!  Have a good Monday everyone.

  • Good Morning Everyone. Looks as if we have had something wet overnight but dry now. We went out for lunch yesterday and then went down to the coast for a walk. The sunshine was lovely but the wind was so cold.

    Lynette, Sorry your church friend has died. I am sure you enjoyed singing with the choir.  

    Clare, Congratulations on your new car. Enjoy driving it and I hope you get good news about your interview.