Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 1 March 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

Thursday, March 5, is the Full Moon.


On March 6, NASA's Dawn spacecraft will arrive at the dwarf planet Ceres. Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The Dawn space probe will spend several months observing Ceres and sending back the first close-up images of a dwarf planet in our solar system. You can watch the spacecraft's arrival at Ceres on a special broadcast of the Slooh Observatory:

U.K.: Friday 6 March at 6:00 p.m.
Eastern U.S.: 6 March at 1:00 p.m.
California: 6 March at 10:00 a.m. 

Scientists have already detected mysterious bright spots on Ceres and are anxious to discover what they are. INFO

Everyone have a great week!

  • Evening all: Nice day today; got some paperwork stuff organized, then went to yoga coz my favorite teacher is subbing some classes through March at the local Y.  Watched the "storm" pass right over the hills behind us, so no rain here so far.....

    Diane: Thanks so much for starting us off. I just came online - and there you were!  Love those Chincoteague ponies. And how nice to have your hawk couple to watch and wonder at.  Thanks for the info on the NASA probe...

    Heather: I'm probably going to leave for AZ (and Ms, D's b'day) on the 12th, staying in Long Beach overnight after seeing a couple of old friends for lunch that day. Could be going Wednesday though - must focus and make a decision!!

    Rita:  Interesting that it's the first squirrel in 31 years.  I gave an Epiphyllum - the ones that put out that lovely pink blossom - to a friend who has a patio full of cactii/succulents.  I have two others that need splitting up too, but haven't got around to it.   Do hope you can get a new knee without too much delay.

    OG: Oh dear; fingers crossed the cold doesn't linger long.  :-(   Guinea pig's name is Peanut. He's been busy in his cage all day and let me pet him for a while tonight - so cute!!  Glad the family gathering went well, but do rest up now.

    AQ: Great to see you.  Don't worry; can't remember my questions so won't notice if you don't answer. :-))  When are these kiddies off to school?!

    Brenda: Hope your daughter has a few days to unpack those boxes.

    Moffer/Mike: Hey! Great to see familiar names pop up after a long absence. :-)

    Limpy: How are you doing?

    Clare: Thinking of you and hoping you're keeping positive.  :-)

    Margo: Assume you're spending time with your OH; let us know how you're doing.

    Off to Costco tomorrow to get some new tires on my car - oh joy.

    Have a good Sunday all!

  • To all our friends in Wales.

    Dydd Gwŷl Dewi Sant hapus.

    Click on the picture to hear the Llanelli Male Voice Choir

  • TINA   please look back to last week as I posted about my experience of implants (inc 1 with added bone)

  • Good Morning! Thanks to Diane for starting us off, and for the info on Ceres. How interesting. Hello & welcome back to Moffer! OG - glad the family visit went well, hope your cold is no worse now. Annette: I remember you once posted a photo of the cute Peanut! Hope he enjoys his hols. We are trying to decide what to wear on our walk into the town, as we mustn't keep getting in the car - the sky has blue bits, grey bits and rainclouds! ( although it hardly ever rains here). We are taking our light raincoats in my OH's rucksack, as they were the 1st thing I packed this time, after our unfortunate experience last November, when I forgot 'em, and we had the worst weather ever.
  • Margo - I hope you're enjoying a nice relaxing weekend with your OH! {HUGS}
  • Good Morning ALL. A lovely morning. I needed my sunglasses to drive to church this morning. The low sun was blinding, but I see we are forecast more rain late afternoon. Still windy. Fence man coming tomorrow to check on our fence.

    I don't think any of our regular group have Welsh blood, but to any who read and don't post, A Happy St David's Day to you.

    Diane, Thank you for starting the week and also for the information and link for the NASA probe.

    Annette, Sorry your rain hasn't arrived. My sister looks after her grandsons' guinea pigs when the family go on holiday. One g pig is getting so old that she prays it won't die while they are away.

    OG, Pleased you were able to enjoy yesterday with your family. I do hope you are feeling better this morning.  

    Linda, Glad you packed your macs. That should make sure that it won't rain. 

  • Hi to all

    Annette, I am fine thanks for asking.  This winter I have been following the FalconCam Project, Orange, NSW - Peregrines and working hard at Minsmere which I love doing so I have not been posted on the Weekly Chat much this winter but I still kept looking in on the thread.

    I have also been trying to keep Clare's chin up after the loss of her job and then her old banger failing its MOT. Things are looking up as she picks up a second hand car tomorrow - it took a bit of time finding one she likes and in our price range.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Keith, it's nice to see you on here. I hope all is well with you and your family.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • I have a Welsh half sister, now I know why they have a dragon on the flag!

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Good afternoon all and once again I am way behind with everything. Was going to post Friday but my sister came down ampnd took me back to hers for a few hours which I enjoyed very much. Don't really have a lot to talk about at times as life is very quiet for me these days and a bit boring to recount here. OH phas taken a couple of days off which I am so pleased about. He is exhausted so has taken things easy today. He has just down to watch the football so hope Tottenham play well. He has not had any realm holiday for a couple of years now as he has used holiday entitlement to take me to chemo every four weeks which means he uses over a day in total each month. Where he can he does make the time up and because they are still busy after the acquisition of another practice he has worked a lot of extra hours it means he will be able to take some breaks between and July. He stopped in bed until 8.00 this morning and I cannot remember the last time he did that. Went for a carvery again yesterday evening and tomorrow we are off to West Bay, where Broadchurch is filmed and will have a meal in a fish restaurant which has a very good reputation. Will be a nice ride out and only takes about an hour to get there.

    We have been recording the second series of Unpacked in Italy and watched the first one last evening. It is part travelogue/part cookery and it was about Puglia where we had a holiday a few years back and really enjoyed the food. It is quite a poor region and theŷ rely on vegetables a lot and we both agreed they were so inventive in the way they were cooked, probably some of the best meals we ever had. It is so interesting as they go to places which are not on the usual tourist trail and find treasures that you woukd not be aware of. As always anything involving Italy brings back such good memories coupled with some sadness that we are not able to go now.

    Blood test tomorrow morning and consultant visit Tuesday so fingers crossespd things are still good. I feel reasonably well so feel confident.

    Heather sorry to hear that Shena's situation seems to be getting worse. I hope the home will be able to stop her from ringing you with her anxieties, you really have to deal with at the moment. I know you will be worried a about your OH and also the fact that your daughter has to find somewhere else to live. One thing about life is it never seems to run as smoothly as you would like it to. Hope your OH will go down the sedation route and nothing untoward is found.

    rita sorry about your very painful knee and the fact that you will probably have a long wait to have the op which would probably imorove life a lot for you. We are so lucky here in Dorset. Waiting times are not too long and standard of care is excellent. Very sad about your friend with cancer, so many lives affected by this disease.

    Lindybird hope by now you are well and truly in relaxed mode. Hope it will be less windy and I hope the fact that you packed lightweight rain coats means that it will not rain.

    Annette sounds as though you have a busy week or so coming up seeing family and babysitting guinea pig but it will be enjoyable I am sure. Have you sorted any whales yet. Sorry you are not getting rain which is still much needed and I do hope that water fountain will not have to be turned off as it seems to draw plenty of bird life to your garden.

     Diane beautiful pic of the wild pony, and thanks for the NASA info. You really are having a hard winter but was pleased to read you were able to get out to shop. You must be longing for warmer times. Love to read about the RT Hawk, I am sure they have been sent to keep you company.

    Moffer/scylla good to see you again. Now we really know our beloved ospreys are on their way.

    Brenda hope your daughter is starting to get settled in. Bit of a shame they had to,wait until 4.00 before they coukd start the process but as you say at least it was dry

    OG not good news that you have another cold, hope you will get over it soon. Pleaed your BP was down a bit and you have had some weight loss which may have helped the BP situation.

    Clare do hope you will get some positive news about a second interview or an offer of a job. Still keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    AQ nanny duties obviously exhaust you especially when you get very hot weather. Hopefully as the twins get older things will get easier and you will not be needed so much.

    Lynette pleased to read that your daughter do feels relieved after resigning from a very unhappy situation. Sad to read again about another cancer sufferer. Thanks for eagle pic, he/she is growing fast.

    Limpy pleased you are feeling better and also you so enjoy your volunteering at  Minsmere. C,are will be so happy that she had  a car again,perhaps this heralds a job offer is on its way

    Going to post this now in case I lose it but have a good evening all.