WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JANUARY 11, 2015

Happy New Week all: OH and I are off to see The Imitation Game tonight, then will pick up dinner from our favorite Chinese restaurant on our way home.

Heather: You're not living a sheltered life, or if you are, we're all there with you (and happy to be so). Seems like bad language and a general lack of civility are endemic these days - it's so depressing. And to think the English language is so rich yet people have to use the "last resort" words first. :-(

Clare: My friend's daughter is a Downs Syndrome adult now and still needs supervision. It must be a huge worry, especially as parents age. Didn't know it could also mean heart problems as well.

Brenda: Hope the Quiz was fun.

Thanks all for posts! Take care.

  •  O

     hope you are pleased with the new dentist.

    A few pics from todays trip out. You can see the snow in the diatance.


  • Nasty freezing snowy day here and dangerous underfoot even with our newly acquired gritter... OH did Daisy walk as I didn't fancy damaging my dodgy hip..

    Daisy is in love with Sykes from the Midsommer Murder repeats he doesn't even have to bark and she knows he is there:-)

  • Hello all

    Thank you for your news, have only had a quick look in because daughter#3 and family arrived this afternoon and are staying overnight.

    OH went to GP today, she confirmed that specimen results confirmed a UTI and thankfully she had prescribed ABs before getting the lab results so he is now OK. She did a physical examination re his prostate, made no comment and didn't take bloods for PSA. I guess because he has no symptoms and because of his age?

  • I'm jealous Lindy, seeing the Halle in concert.  When I was in my teens I use to go frequently to the Free Trade Hall to concerts there.   Got one or two famous autographs but sadly they got lost on one of our moves.   Fond memories of those concerts.  Hope OH soon recovers - keep taking the paracetamol. lol.

    Annette - in our paper today there was a photograph showing one of them with his wife and son - apparently she is a climber too and was behind him all the way.   Such a magnificent feat and a piece of good news is what everyone wants at present. I bet the pics were great.

    Clare - nice to hear that Limpy is still enjoying his volunteering work.   Still undecided where to go in Norfolk but definitely looking a cottages in the countryside with a view to making a visit to the coast whilst there.

  • Dibnib - what lovely wintry pictures - it really gives an insight to the scenery where you are. Love the last three , so atmospheric, and of course the one with the horse.

    Wendy - see you are having really wintry weather. Forecast for down here is probably a frost overnight but no real snow to speak of. Stay warm and safe.

    Have a good weekend all.

  • Coffee & chat with Friend this morn. We were over-dressed – forgot our lycra and bicycle appendage!!! Many MAMILS preparing for the public challenge next Fri and a few famous teams, most in training packs on the flat roads near the beach, others stoking up on caffeine at the cafes. Tour Down Under is about to start! I needed time out after a long day yesterday. Misses were in a word, cranky. L can sit all by herself for 15-20 mins. J “rows” herself with her elbows, pushing with one big toe, and travels all over. Cat beware! I just wish they would synchronise. One wakes just before the other decides it is sleep time.

    Misses L & J. Miss3's lego constructions in the background.

    What big eyes you have, Miss L.

    Hard to determine the colour of Miss J's eyes.

    And people look at them and say "are they identical?" A mother in multiple births group with twin girl & boy gets asked the same question!!l

  • Evening all: Another ridiculously warm day here - and now we see that 2014 was the hottest year in 150 or thereabouts.   No sign of Diane yet.... :-)

    Clare: Hope we'll see the Attenborough program later this year.  Super that Limpy is so taken up with Minsmere; a lovely outdoor pastime and so rewarding.  

    Rita/bjane: I left the TV on for the guinea pig when I was gone all day and I know daughter does the same at her house.

    Wendy: So TV dogs have their own fans? Wonder if they have Twitter accounts too, or maybe that's just for the birds.  Sorry, silly attack  got the better of me!

    dibnlib: "dischuffed"?  :-))  Just love the photos, especially the pony.

    Heather: Hope you enjoyed visit from Dau3 and family. I bet you cooked something wonderful.

    Lynette: I used to go to the London Phil concerts at Watford Town Hall when I was a kid; the acoustic were probably ghastly, but I thought it was all wonderful...   Climber's wife was with him at the TV interview, where he said he was clumsy when not on a rock face!   Looks like those chicks are waiting for someone to serve them dinner...

    OG: Hope you won't have to drive far to the new dental clinic.

    Margo: Hope you're doing okay and staying warm and cozy.

    Meeting friends for breakfast tomorrow, then home to do more pruning.  Can't believe it's Saturday again and time for another thread - I only just started the last one!

    Take care all.

  • AQ: You snuck in while I was prattling away here.  Had to Google MAMILs (Middle Aged Men in Lycra)  :-))) We have lots and lots of those here.  Oh those little girls are full of mischief.  What sweeties. Too bad Miss 3 isn't Miss 6 already and able to do some fetch-and-carry for the tired grown ups.

  • Good Morning, All. Frost here this morning and worse predicted for this weekend - might fetch some of my smaller plant pots into the conservatory tonight. Thanks to everyone for all the enjoyable pictures, how nice to come on to such a variety!