WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JANUARY 11, 2015

Happy New Week all: OH and I are off to see The Imitation Game tonight, then will pick up dinner from our favorite Chinese restaurant on our way home.

Heather: You're not living a sheltered life, or if you are, we're all there with you (and happy to be so). Seems like bad language and a general lack of civility are endemic these days - it's so depressing. And to think the English language is so rich yet people have to use the "last resort" words first. :-(

Clare: My friend's daughter is a Downs Syndrome adult now and still needs supervision. It must be a huge worry, especially as parents age. Didn't know it could also mean heart problems as well.

Brenda: Hope the Quiz was fun.

Thanks all for posts! Take care.

  • Cor blimey, it's cold, had to find a jumper!

  • AQ: I told you I was sending all of our cold and snow to you! :-) LOL

  • Good morning, all.  It's really cold here and it's blowing a hoolie!  It should be a dry day though so I'm hoping to go to Minsmere.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Morning Everyone

    Enjoy Minsmere,CLARE. We have what OH calls a skiff of snow and it is 2 degrees C.

    I hope that ANNETTE and her OH enjoyed their outing and the Chinese takeaway.

    AQ- A jumper?! (Said in a Lady Bracknell voice). Bet you would rather it stayed a bit cooler though.

    Have a good Sunday, all.

  • Would there have been jumpers in Lady Bracknell's time?

    A wood pigeon has just done some very impressive aerobatics outside.  It always amazes me how such a plump bird manages to fly so impressively!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Jumpers would have been horses then, LOL! Good Morning, Everyone. The pigeons around here are certainly plump: they eat everything on my bird table and cling precariously to the feeders.
  • Enjoy your evening out, Annette.
  • A bit dreich here today, but at least the extremely high winds have subsided. Dog walking restricted for me as there are so many trees down over the path. OH can clamber over them and Benson underneath, but I am not agile enough. A few people who back onto the woods have lost their fences.  OH met a friend who lives on the Black Isle yesterday ad he had been without power for 36 hours, We saw a post later from a hotel on the Black Isle saying they had just got power back and if anyone wanted to go for a hot shower and a sandwich and bowl of soup they were welcome, and all free of charge.

  • A cold sunny morning.

    We came third in the local Conservation quiz last night. Just three points separating the first three teams.  A very enjoyable evening and very well supported.  

    AQ, We were hoping that cooler weather would arrive for you, but not so cold that you are looking for your jumpers.

    Diane, I have been noticing that you are still getting extremely cold temperatures. I hope you are managing to keep warm.

    Annette, Sounds good that your OH and yourself were off to enjoy an evening out by yourselves. As much as I love to see friends and family, I do enjoy those evenings out, when it is just the two of us.  

    Dibnlib, Good to see that you are ok. I saw on the news this morning that there are still 8700 homes, who have not had power for three days now. Those carrying out the repairs have had great difficulty because of the continuation of the bad weather. That is a very generous offer from the hotel. I do feel so sorry for those people without power. 

  • Hello All -  Cold here today and a covering of snow on the grass but hardly any wind, thank goodness.  I have just been refilling all the bird feeders, they are very hungry just now.  I have a young seagull that comes to feed every day,  there are other seagulls circling around but they do not come down.  This young seagull nearly always arrives at the same time as two crows and they are a bit wary of each other!   Then two wood pigeons arrive and spend ages eating and bathing and then finally all the little birds get it all to themselves!

    Brenda - glad that you did well in your Quiz and enjoyed your evening.

    AQ   - so glad that it is cooler for you even if it means looking out the jumpers!

    Dibnlib - Sorry to hear that so many fallen trees are hampering your walks, I have a friend who lives at Ardendrain and walks his dogs in the woods behind his house and he says he has never seen so much devastation before, trees down everywhere.