WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JANUARY 11, 2015

Happy New Week all: OH and I are off to see The Imitation Game tonight, then will pick up dinner from our favorite Chinese restaurant on our way home.

Heather: You're not living a sheltered life, or if you are, we're all there with you (and happy to be so). Seems like bad language and a general lack of civility are endemic these days - it's so depressing. And to think the English language is so rich yet people have to use the "last resort" words first. :-(

Clare: My friend's daughter is a Downs Syndrome adult now and still needs supervision. It must be a huge worry, especially as parents age. Didn't know it could also mean heart problems as well.

Brenda: Hope the Quiz was fun.

Thanks all for posts! Take care.

  • Travel to and from Dumfries was quite scary in the gales today, but no nasty incidents for us. Feeling sorry for the truck drivers who would all be “stacked” when they eventually reached Stranraer, to await departure because the ferries were cancelled. Consultant has signed me off as fully recovered from the eye problems, so that’s one less department to visit! We did have some lunch out – tomato soup followed by macaroni cheese – very warming.

    We haven’t gone out this evening – battened down the hatches since J came in from work! Going to do some more recipe book flinging – went through the bookshelves with OH this afternoon and also found out details of the book sale which is appealing for books! Need to be disciplined not to re-stock spaces we have created!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Evening ALL. Our day started with OH's dental appointment and then we went to meet friends for a long lunch. When we came out of the restaurant and foolishly, decided to go for a walk, we spent out time trying to dodge the squally rain  / hail showers. We came home and I fell asleep on the sofa, as the wind and rain kept me awake last night. We didn't see any wind damage but plenty of flooding. The local river has also burst it's banks. I do hope you are all fine this evening, as I see Scotland, Wales and down to the Midlands are taking another battering.

  • Hello BRENDA

    It has rained on and off all day here, sleet this morning. Youngest daughter in Elgin said that they had a very stormy night and hammering rain today.

    OH has an early appt at GP tomorrow for prostate check. Neither of us slept much last night, I am used to that but he is not and feels tired, so we are both upstairs now. I hope that he gets a better night and that you both do, also. Take care, all

  • I'm popping in to see if you all are okay in the foul weather. I hope you all stay safe with no damage to your properties.

    Personally, I'm so weary of winter, I'm going to live with Annette in southern California. I figure if I just show up, she'll feed me carrots, apple slices, and lettuce -- 'cause I can be just as cute and chatty as that guinea pig! Without any mowing to be done, I'm gaining so much weight I look like a guinea pig!

    Feel better, Lynette, and get some rest, AQ. Hope your OH's test results are okay, Heather.

    Seriously, everyone be safe.

  • Hi Heather, I hope all will be fine for your OH tomorrow. Your present weather and forecast looks really bad. Hoping that you are both so tired tonight that you sleep through the gales etc.

    Diane, I am sure that Annette would welcome you with open arms and then she will have you gardening.  LOL 

  • Thanks for all your news.

    Hi AQ - will be coming up to 2 years in April so hope the numbness eventually goes. Still a bit sore just below where newbie is. Yes, I find I can't kneel like I used to and it means bending all the time to do certain things which makes it heavy on the back. Good for you, glad you had a day to yourself to recharge the ol' batteries. LOL

    Diane, Annette, it made headlines here in the Uk - it was so refreshing to have something good happening instead of all the gloomy news we are getting at present.  They did well those boys.

    Weather here has been wet and windy and some sunshine but again we are not seeing the worse of the weather.

    Yes OG, feeling a lot better, managed 18 lengths this morning although I did ache afterwards.Still have a bit of a bump on my forehead and although tender is subsiding. You feel such an idiot when you do something like this.

    Hope you got to your eye appointment OG and that all went well. As for recipe books I hardly touch them, only occasionally. Tend to make things up as I go along!!!

    Wonder what the weekend will bring.  

  • OG - Great news that your eyes are now deemed ok. As you say, one less clinic to attend! Your lunch sounded good. Heather- Will be thinking of you & your OH.
  • We've been out as friends kindly gave us tickets to go to a concert with the Halle Orchestra at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester, because they were unable to go. It was quite wonderful, and I enjoyed it enormously.
  • Evening all: Guinea pig now home safe and sound. He didn't think much of the ride though and disappeared into his little woven hut until we woke him up when we carried him into the house. Now daughter is fretting that he's lonely in the room he's in and is trying to figure out where she can fit the cage so he can watch TV with her!  (We're all quite mad.)

    Heather: I should've said your legacy will be all the missing/stolen underwear that will show up if and when S moves to bossy friend's neighborhood. The home will call you to come and get them!   Hate to ask, but what happens when private monies run out in these situations? I wonder if your remark to said friend may give her pause....

    Diane: Carrots, apple slices and lettuce - and much more! - await your arrival. Leave your winter togs behind and don't worry about sunblock, I have cases of it!  :-)  

    Brenda:  Brilliant idea for Diane to help with the garden - she certainly sounds like she could tackle anything. :-)

    Lindybird: It's really nice to go to live concerts isn't it? We get the LA Phil here and I forget what an all-encompassing experience it is compared to listening to the same music on the radio.

    OG: Good news that you now have one less doc to see.

    Lynette:  Apparently, they had photographers dangling all over the rock face in Yosemite and tonight we saw some of their shots on the evening news plus an interview with the two guys, one of whom lost his voice, he says, from having to shout to be heard by his partner while coordinating their moves. 

    Looks like nasty weather for the UK again; stay safe and warm everyone.

    Have a good Friday.

  • Good morning, all.  Not a bad day here - it's cold and windy but at least it's dry.

    Is anyone else watching David Attenborough's Conquest of the Skies?  What a fantastic programme.  Last night featured the peregrine, among other things - you can never get bored of watching one of those in action!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.