DECEMBER is a month of hope!
Cold yes, dark yes, but the gloomy grey days of November have generally given way to sunnier, brighter days. At least, so it generally is here in southern Ohio, and I hope for you too. Then the winter solstice marks the shortest & darkest day of the year, but we know that immediately after that each day gets that wee bit longer and therefore lighter. Not just hope, but proof that spring is on its way. And all month we look forward to Christmas, the happiest, most hopeful day of the year. December is the month of planning, of preparation, shopping, wrapping, baking and FUN (if we just don’t let ourselves get overwhelmed).
All the while we know that Breagha and Millicent are warm in Africa. We pray for their continued safety, as well as that of other osprey that we follow. But not all the birds desert us for the warm southern climes. Some are well adapted to our northern winters and are still here, providing enjoyment and often appreciating our bird feeders.
Here on the Gabfest, a music night “around the world” has been suggested. We hope to hold this in early December. Also, I’m sure that later in December I, and probably others, will want to play some Christmas carols. Whether this will be an organized Music Night or just spontaneous music remains to be seen. Also a few of us are planning Christmas cakes. A Christmas music night may be organized around these presentations.
So once again, I issue an invitation to all osprey lovers to come on in to the Gabfest chat room, where we can enjoy the warm fires and chat about all things osprey as well as most anything else that crosses our minds.
Hi Bente, Glad you can make the 23rd. That makes three of us, so I will open a special thread and hope for more to join us.
No, I don't think you have missed much. It has been a confusing month and maybe I have been negligent in clarifying matters, as I do take that on as my job.
This close to Christmas and together with our Christmas cakes our music theme will be "White Christmas". Also we post pictures of our Christmas tree or other decorations at this time.
Keith's suggestion for an Around the World Music night was well received and I had hoped to bring that about during the first half of December. or certainly after Christmas or into January. Since his schedule is so catywumpused :) I have asked him to arrange a time for this special Music night, if he is still interested. I hope very much that he is!!
MMMmm, my house smells good! I just finished boiling the raisins (some drunken, some not), sugar and spices for my Christmas cake. That mixture is now outside to cool. Meanwhile, the pans are ready and the flour and soda are set aside and waiting for the raisin mixture to reach the right temp so that it won't lump up when the flour is added.
Tomorrow I should be able to decorate and I will have a cake ready for presentation.
Unknown said:Glad you can make the 23rd. That makes three of us, so I will open a special thread and hope for more to join us.
I am so sorry, June - I will not be able to make White Xmas Cake Bakeoff night on Dec 23! :(( I could just post my songs and you can listen when you have a moment... aargh, I am so disorganized...
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Thanks for your communication, CC. With only myself and Bente expressing an interest in getting together for a Music Night or a Cake presentation there is no point in setting up a special thread. Unless there is an unexpected surge of interest in a Special Event, we will just post as usual, posting pictures of whatever pleases us or music or whatever at any time to our individual convenience.
At Dunroven nest cam I find this unusual conglomeration. Live but not a bird in sight.
I was preparing breakfast this morning and looked out of the kitchen window at a visitor to the garden. My garden goes down to the River Allan and the Heron was roosting and sheltering from the sleet in the fir tree. My wife wants this tree chopped down. She says the heron is normally down on the river bank on one of the stones and first time she has seen it in the tree.
The book "Ospreys in Wales" was supposed to be stocking filler but I persuaded my wife not to wrap it up and just leave it by the tree so I can have a wee read when I sit down on a night.
JUNE - I intend getting the cake out from its fermentation wraps sometime over the weekend and start its decor.
After which I will be posting the cake - the tree and some other christmas decor along with a tune or two probably from Tuesday.
It will be fine as people have arrangements at Christmas just to post at free will.
I have a full house from Christmas Eve and will probably retire to the conservatory on Christams Day for a few hours peace and read my book.
June - BBC Scotland post weekly pictures from around Scotland. This weeks set 12 - 19 are interesting you may enjoy some of them including an old home of mine. Flick thro them.
Pictures from Scotland 12-19 December.
Yes indeed Keith, I certainly did enjoy the weekly pictures on your link above. Several very beautiful ones. I am not sure which is your old home, although I see several from your old address. I am particularly impressed with the one of the submarine. Fabulous!