DECEMBER  is a month of hope! 

                    Cold yes, dark yes,  but the gloomy grey days of November have generally given way to sunnier, brighter days.  At least, so it generally is here in southern Ohio, and I hope for you too.   Then the winter solstice marks the  shortest & darkest day of the year, but we know that immediately after that each day gets that wee bit longer and therefore lighter. Not just hope, but proof that spring is on its way. And all month we look forward to Christmas, the happiest, most hopeful day of the year.   December is the month of planning, of preparation, shopping, wrapping, baking and FUN (if we just don’t let ourselves get overwhelmed). 

                    All the while we know that Breagha and Millicent are warm in Africa. We pray for their continued safety, as well as that of other osprey that we follow.  But not all the birds desert us for the warm southern climes.  Some are well adapted to our northern winters  and are still here, providing enjoyment and often appreciating our bird feeders.

                    Here on the Gabfest, a music night “around the world” has been suggested.  We hope to hold this in early December. Also, I’m sure that later in December I, and probably others, will want to play some Christmas carols.  Whether this will be an organized Music Night or just spontaneous music remains to be seen.  Also a few of us are planning Christmas cakes.  A Christmas music night may be organized around these presentations.

                So once again, I issue an invitation to all osprey lovers to come on in to the Gabfest chat room, where we can enjoy the warm fires and chat about all things osprey as well as most anything else that crosses our minds.

  •  Oh I laughed at this picture. with the way the squirrel is lined up directly above the decoration.

  •  But seems the creature is made of seeds and was put there for the enjoyment of the squirrels and/or birds.

  • This is one of the songs I had shortlisted for a Music Night - Around the World.

    However In light of this week’s tragic event in Sydney, it is timely to reinforce the message of Bruce Woodley and Dobe Newton’s song of unity … “we share a dream, and sing with one voice, I am – you are – we are Australian.”

    I went to see The Seekers (Bruce Woodley/Judith Durham) sing this at The Royal Albert Hall in June and my thoughts go out to our friends in Sydney and Australia this week especially to the friends and families of those hostages that did not make it out.


  • Once again Keith has mentioned  "MUSIC NIGHT - AROUND THE WORLD" and once again .I will say that I think this is a marvelous idea. I do hope we can set it up soon at Keith's convenience,  We all know that Keith's work schedule is eratic  and therefore needs special consideration.

    Any date except December 24 is fine with me, although probably best after Christmas as several of us still have Christman cakes to present and Christmas music running through our heads.   

    So Keith if you are still interested in that topic will you arrange for a MUSIC NIGHT - AROUND THE WORLD at your convenience.?  The ball is now in your court and I am hoping that you will pick it up and run with it.

  • OMG. The creature's head has been eaten off by someone (yesterday's squirrel that June caught on cam, no doubt).

    Is the White Xmas music spectacular happening before Xmas, June? Oh - I see - Tuesday 23rd is good for me, not Xmas day though.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • CC I do think Christmas Day or Christmas Eve are inappropriate for a planned event.  However, in the past several of us have been on the Gabfest enjoying time together with music and greetings and just some chat.  I hope it will be so again this year.

  • CC, thanks for your cooperation in helping to plan a time for our Cake Presentation Music Night.  The 23rd will give everyone (including Willow) as much time as possible to prepare their cakes. So I think Tuesday 23rd at the usual time of 6:30 or 7:00 is our best hope of getting people together..

    If this is a bad time and we cannot arrive at a better one, we can always just post our pictures at will, but I am still hoping that we can get together for a shared Cake Presentation Music night.

  • As Keith said above  "In light of this week’s tragic event in Sydney," I dedicate this song to the people involved in this sad event and to all the people of Australia.  Unfortunately, such events can traumatize an entire nation.

    IT CAME UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR - still our best hope for peace on earth and peace & good will among   individuals.

    I was pleased to find this version with its drawings, art, photos and the lovely voice and face of the beautiful JULIE ANDREWS.

  • Hello Gabbers,

    much work and not much time for myself---so I'm looking in here only right now. December 23rd is ok with me, but I have to work late-shift. 7 o'clock in Great Britain means 8 o'clock in Germany. I'm sorry I can't make it in time, but I'll join as soon as I can (maybe around 8 o'clock in Britain), or post pictures of my cake later. I'm a bit confused about the music-theme. Probably I've missed something. Is it "White Christmas" or "Around the world"?

    Kind regards, Bente