Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, October 5, 2014

Happy new week

  • Good Morning Everyone. Another dark, dismal, wet morning. We have had heavy rain since we got up. Fence men are still working, attaching trellis now. The new gate, ( a full sized door ) has not been made yet !!

    The shingles jab is available here, but depends on your age.

    OG, Your meal sounds delicious. One thing I have noticed as I get older, is that I cannot manage to eat as much as I could when I was younger. Sorry J has caught yet another cold. A real hazard in his job. It seems so unfair that he will have to take some of his holiday entitlement, so that he can have his car repaired.

    AQ, Thanks for the further links. I must have a look. Like you, I need to stock up the freezer today.

    Linda, Glad to read that you have a bright morning. I hope there won't be too much noise from next door.

  • Happy Birthday dibnlib enjoy your day.

  • I seem to have made too much effort to manage the meal out last evening and then get up on time – very “weak and wobbly” this morning, as well as still coughing and sneezing, so not going for the flu jab – but sending OH for his. Sun now shining brightly.

    Diane – so, I shall be able to watch eclipse online now, instead of showering to go out!

    Linda – is it a big extension going up next door, or just a replacement conservatory? I hope they won’t be too noisy or disruptive.

    Brenda – sorry you have it so wet while the fence job is continuing. I think teachers and others in school usually have to use the holidays to get repairs etc done whereas office workers can be more flexible – but at least J does get good holidays! I thought it would have been sensible to ask to book it in next week rather than give himself the headache of getting to work on time tomorrow!!

    Margo – I hope you are continuing to shake off that cold!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Happy Birthday Dibnlib, enjoy your day!

  • OG: sorry things are not going well there - I do hope that you can get both the bed & the chair fixed soon. You are sensible not going for your flu jab whilst you're not feeling 100%. Hope you'll feel more ' the thing' after a restful day today. (Poor J - he must be tired of getting infections).
  • The sun not long set and I've just been out to look at the eclipse. Alas as I watch the moon is devoured by hazy clouds.

  • Brenda: Good that you're getting the fence nearer to being finished, in spite of the weather. They often seem to make gates on site, so that they fit properly, I suppose. Our next door work is for a single story extension to replace the old one which they demolished recently. There will be a lot of noise for a couple of days I expect. Its a larger extension than the old one but we hope it will not overlook our back garden too much, in spite of being next to the hedge. Not sure where they are putting the windows in!
  • AQ: pity you can't see the eclipse! My Friend and I have decided to be ' ladies who lunch' today and are off to look at Pink tiny clothes for Amber, in John Lewis. Also will try to get something for the next babe, sex unknown at present. We have a bag packed ready to fly down the motorway at a moments notice in case we are needed for babysitting during the birth!
  • A good eclipse - well worth watching via Slooh..

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!