Technical Test Thread 2014/15/16/17/18/19/20

This is a carryon on from the original  Technical Test Thread

I could only link  to the top of that thread as any attempt to link to the bottom results in the dreaded white screen. 

So this is the thread for discussing technical problems. 

  • SunnyKate2 said:

    Hi Jane

    The way I do quote copy and paste.i.e

    Quote JaneV

    "I’m sure it must have been raised before in here but I can’t find it."( wihout using RF)

    Then if you want to change font or colour> click RF and you can do that, then type in your reply

    i,e,...a faff but  works for me.


    Do you do that on an Ipad SK2???  

    I couldn't find anything on Ipad to change font colours etc using rich formatting!!!!    If anyone using an Ipad has any tips I would be very grateful as at the moment I have given up posting using an Ipad.  

  • Unknown said:
    I forgotten what LA stands for. Loch what ? Please

    I think Helen would mean Loch Arkaig ......  

  • Quote Jane
    "Do you do that on an Ipad SK2??? "

    Sorry am using laptop.......Doh!!

    But would...... plain ........ copy/paste work on ipad?


  • JaneV said:
    Thank you Mary and Kate, so very helpful. First thing I use my iPad, then I switch to the desktop and then I go to an antiquated laptop with an extinct windows version and no memory. It sounds like to get full functionality the desktop is required.

    Hi Jane I am trying all this to see if it works, fingers crossed. I use my ipad all the time, and can do the same as I could as if using the laptop. Like you have said with yours, mine is also an older laptop and I have it plugged in, in the spare room all the time as it does not hold charge very well, and is a bit slow to get going, even although we have a good broadband speed, hence the ipad. I have quoted your post by hitting reply, use rich formatting, then quote. Your post should now quote. You can not do this on the last post, since the update!  You can if you use the last reply box, put a single letter in it and post, then you can quote the previous post.

    I took the photo with my ipad, easy to do by holding down the on/off button and the button on the front of the ipad (the home button), when you have a nest or whatever you are watching that is live and want to take a photo, hold those two buttons down/in for a couple of seconds and you will hear a click. Photo will now be in your photos file, you can go in then and edit the photo. Pick the photo, edit, top right on screen and then there will be an option, mine is 4/5 little icons down the right, little circle that will allow you to have a grid on top of the photo, you can resize etc and save.

    When you then want to add the photo, hit the the use rich formatting, insert, pick imges/videos, them from the two options, pick where your photos are stored (files the photos), pick your photo, it will now appear in the box, if you leave it as it is, it will post very small, so in the two small boxes, change the first box to 500 and deleate the number in the second box altogether, then hit okay. Whaever numbers you out in the box/s will depend on the size of the posted photo, have a play around. Photos will now be larger, then post. You can add any text by hitting return first, then writing what you want, then post. Now your text and photo should be there.

    I have an apple ipad that has safari browser, I had no option to add photos, format, edit etc. I already had the puffin browser installed so when I logged onto it, it would let me do everything. Maybe you need to do the same. 

    Sorry if this is longwinded but hope it may help. Good luck.

    Edit, I have now changed all the dreadfull spelling mistakes, ipad had 1% charge left so was going like a steam train in case I lost the lot!!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thank you Catlady, I’m going to sit down when I’m back home and have a go doing this. The quote button seems to be the thing I’ve got to sort, I’ll be back. Thank you so much.
  •  On the topic of quoting the last post:

    Lynn L said:
    Your post should now quote. You can not do this on the last post, since the update!  You can if you use the last reply box, put a single letter in it and post, then you can quote the previous post.

     I hadn't thought of doing a superfluous post so's to make the post I want to quote not the last post - good thinking!  But I'd have to have a stock explanatory phrase, like "Take no notice, I'm playing the system" LOL ;-D  I'll have to add it onto my video copyright doc, so's to C&P in a jiffy.

    Thanks, Lynn/Catlady :)

  • First of all, I am in awe, CATLADY, at how you are 'performing' on a tablet :o :o :o

    Lynn L said:
    I took the photo with my ipad, easy to do by holding down the on/off button and the button on the front of the ipad (the home button), when you have a nest or whatever you are watching that is live and want to take a photo, hold those two buttons down/in for a couple of seconds and you will hear a click.

    I found that holdng down 2 buttons was very cumbersome.  On my Android tablet I can take a screenshot by sweeping the palm of my hand across the screen, maybe iPad has a similar feature?

    That's from a tablet numpty, and I've never used anything Apple in my life.