Technical Test Thread 2014/15/16/17/18/19/20

This is a carryon on from the original  Technical Test Thread

I could only link  to the top of that thread as any attempt to link to the bottom results in the dreaded white screen. 

So this is the thread for discussing technical problems. 

  • Well Birdie, I have done it, thanks to your advice. This is what I would do if I took a photo on my ipad, edit and tweak it, save and add it then from the photos file. This shot I tweaked from the original xl spreadsheet, which I took a photo of from the computer screen with my ipad, that is why it is a bit dark. I did this in a hurray so don't have the full spreadsheet! As you can see it has only shown the 4 names BUT when I try to do the same with the full spreadsheet that I have posted, which I copied from xl onto a word document and then scanned into the computer as a photo, I can tweak it so that the 4 names are there, as above but when I pick it up to post, the whole spreadseet shows! Must be to do with it having been scanned on. This took me that long that I think I will be quickly saying each day "good luck etc"!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • An observation and query re the YT streaming- Loch Garten rewind is 2 hrs and LOTL & LA are both 4 hrs. Is that 'to do' with bandwith or some other technical thing? Just curious.

    Its lovely to have what we have.
  • YouTube has made a change to its Live cam streaming - it is now "click-to-play".

    This is disastrous for my 24/7 recording, because to recover from cam freezes one has to refresh the browser, therefore I use an auto-refresher browser add-on to perform the task periodically, as obviously I can't be watching with mouse poised all the time.

    Now, when the browser is refreshed, manual or auto, this is what happens - the picture is not a frozen version of the current scene, it seems to be a generic snap, and stretches the full width of the screen.


    This is what Glaslyn offers - its logo:

    Another innovation :(

    SHEILA - look what I found !!!  This is in Firefox whilst taking a screenshot with third-party software (Greenshot):

  • Well this is right ole' PITA Scylla - and I guess there is no way round it, so looks like you will only be able to record when you are awake, which seems like 24/7 to me anyway, 

    you need to sleep so don't let it bother you.   

  • I’m struggling to work out how to quote a previous post, as far as I can see (I’m on my iPad at the moment) there is no button or anything in RF. I’ve just been typing but suddenly thought that person won’t know that I’ve referred to them. I’m sure it must have been raised before in here but I can’t find it. Thank you.
  • Jane there is very little you can do on an Ipad, which I found out last week.... cannot do posh links, images look like postage stamps....  I am hoping that something will be done by the IT dept eventually as so many people use ipads and phones now.   

  • Hi Jane

    The way I do quote copy and paste.i.e

    Quote JaneV

    "I’m sure it must have been raised before in here but I can’t find it."( wihout using RF)

    Then if you want to change font or colour> click RF and you can do that, then type in your reply

    i,e,...a faff but  works for me.


  • Thank you Mary and Kate, so very helpful. First thing I use my iPad, then I switch to the desktop and then I go to an antiquated laptop with an extinct windows version and no memory. It sounds like to get full functionality the desktop is required.
  • I forgotten what LA stands for. Loch what ? Please