WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014

Checked the date twice this time round.

Here's to a pleasant new week all.

  • Hi, all. I've been very busy here, finishing a freelance project and getting started on autumn cleaning.  

    Just wanted to send healing energy to all who are suffering with health issues, either themselves or their loved ones.

    Have a great time to everyone who is or will be visiting with family (Annette, Heather...).

    I've enjoyed all the lovely photos posted recently (Lindy, Clare, Limpy, AQ and others).

    Lindy, have a great time in Wales!

    I forgot to say Happy Autumn Equinox to everyone!!!

  • Wild Chincoteague Pony, Assateague Island National Wildlife Refuge

  • Evening all:  Had lovely lunch with friends today. We opted for a place right on the beach; food was good, company was great, location was wonderful - the beach was very quiet with just a few surfers, kiddies, and folks with their dogs.

    dibnlib: A shame that your visit to your Mom is so hard, but so good of you to visit her.  Oh my, were those Scottish actors with "frontier" American accents?  :-))  Had to smile at the image of your OH and Benson tucked up in bed.

    Brenda: Thanks for news of Margo - bummer she's come down with her OH's cold; fingers crossed the meds kick in and hasten her recovery.  I like the sound of your evening, it sounds very friendly.

    Tina: I can't believe people just abandon their pets when they move. The neighbors on our north side did just that when they moved, but fortunately the new tenants took the cat under their wing; now she/he is sporting a new collar and is a regular visitor to our garden to the point of usurping Lightning's - our cat's - favorite shady spots under the Westringia.  It must be a relief that your Mom is not only doing better but feeling more optimistic too.

    Diane:  Lovely photo of a Chincoteague pony for Margo - they're so pretty.  autumn cleaning??  Oh dear, and I thought we only had to do it in the spring.

    Have a good Friday all.

  • Good Morning Everyone. As I sit on the sofa with a coffee, I am watching, on tv, a young lady who is running her 52nd marathon in 52 consecutive days. I think I should get up and do something !!  Our son is running in the Berlin marathon on Sunday.

    Diane, Good to hear you have finished the project. I do hope more projects are in line for you. I love the Chincoteague pony picture for Margo. I know that she will really love it.

    Annette, I do envy your lunch at a beach restaurant with friends. Even here, with our colder temperatures, we do like to go to the coast at this time of the year for a long walk and a meal.

    I have to go and pick up my new jeans, which have been shortened, and have a look for some jumpers.

  • Good morning all. I feel,very unwell but just wanted to say thanks to diane for the card, it is beautiful and also Annette for your thoughts.

    have a good weekend and take care.

  • MARGO- Thinking about you every day xx. I hope that your meds will kick in soon.

    EVERYONE- Hello!

  • BRENDA   hope you enjoy the bowls.  Yes I saw about the mad person running a marathon a day. All for a good cause though. Children with brain tumors.... hope she gets lots of sponsors. Berlin sounds like fun if it didn't include a marathon.

  • Thanks for all your news.  Dibnib, I understand what you are going through with your mum as my mum also had a dimentia and it was really hard going when I could get up to visit her.

    Hope Lindybird enjoys her few days away.  Our few days are just 3 days away and counting. Should be a nice visit as it is a lovely part of the country.

    Was watching the birds today, in the garden, with a regular flock of sparrows now feeding from the feeders, as well as goldfinch, greenfinch, blue tit and coal tit, but best of all was the periodic visit of our squirrel.  He/she seems to come back every so often. A trio of pics to follow.

  • Thanks for all your news.  Dibnib, I understand what you are going through with your mum as my mum also had a dimentia and it was really hard going when I could get up to visit her.

    Hope Lindybird enjoys her few days away.  Our few days are just 3 days away and counting. Should be a nice visit as it is a lovely part of the country.

    Was watching the birds today, in the garden, with a regular flock of sparrows now feeding from the feeders, as well as goldfinch, greenfinch, blue tit and coal tit, but best of all was the periodic visit of our squirrel.  He/she seems to come back every so often. A trio of pics to follow.

  • I know it is a grey squirrel but unfortunately in this part of the world there are no red squirrels, mores the pity.