News from other nests 2013/2014

I have just had a look at Sanibel cam and I see an Osprey has arrived.   No idea who it is - is it Ripply from last year or a new bird.  I remember last year finding a facebook/blog page about this nest but for the life of me can't remember what it was so can't compare images from last season, so if anyone else can remember......

  • Tiger

    OK Some additions


    Threave Castle - dedicated Facebook page (run by NTS Rangers) , organised visitor viewing 


    Kielder - dedicated blog, organised visitor viewing 

    Foulshaw Moss - on a CWT Site, featured in their blogs from the start of the season  

    Esthwaite - in this case the website and Facebook page are run by a commercial organisation

  • Does Clive at LI sports not have cam on LI that you can see in restaurant?

  • I believe also Balgavies Loch in Scotland might well be in the list, as mentioned above - without mentioning the name of the reserve in my earlier post.

    I don't believe that a too small car part might result in reduced protection of birds, there's a larger car part along the A932 and a path bringing to the hide though, more or less the same distance you need to walk when at Loch Garten.

    Furthermore, it's hard to consider it "local word of mouth", I'm typing this post 1500km away an can see online press welcoming back birds every year by simply googleing the reserve name. Oh... I now see there was a disturbance incident in the past.

    EDIT: removed the reference to MrsT. If it happens that someone doesn't read the two posts together, can understand that MrsT made an assertion she did not.

  • What about Peter Cairns nest tree - it is quite public to go and take Photography there from his hide (He does not put a blindfold over you) so still not sure what is meant by Public Domain as described by the RSPB moderator.

    Lack of any substantial concrete listing by RSPB or explaining what is meant by Public Domain - I therefore thank those assisting in this matter.

    TIGER - I understand your point of Nest 3/4 not in public domain but Friends of Ospreys is so I assume it is OK to quote them verbatum if necessary.

    There are also many other viewing places in Scotland run privately like the Lake District ones you are not sure whether they can be referred to or not so again am in the dark about these - however they are well advertised - come and see the ospreys.

    I am sure you will get a listing together we can all work from and Thanks for your help.

  • Roberto M - Too small a car park had nothing to do with disturbance of the birds at SWT angus site. They just could not accomodate the numbers that may go like they do at LOTL so never advertised it widely or we could all be friendly and squeeze into the hide if many turned up :).

  • Keith, if I'm not wrong the message from MrsT was to act responsibly and avoid disclosing confidential details which might put the protection of birds at risk. Under this light, I'm asking myself if I should remove my own posts (which also contain georeferenced photos BTW) if it happens that that nest is to be considered secret.

    Crowding might be a concern and we might even delete the entire thread for this reason, but it's a totally different topic.

  • Roberto - Personally I would leave it as it is.

    SWT Angus was kept private even when the male and female got together and it was the tagging of Blue YD during the first breeding year that brought it to the front.

    Then a problem - posters discussed about where Green BF and White UF came from at length and then people started looking for these nests. I used to live not far from Green BF maternal nest was and we had people around looking for it all the time.

    Unfortunately some people forget - without naming jump and report to the moderator and want to hang you because I mentioned a 4th breeding pair in Wales but openly discuseed maternal nests of SWT Angus male and female as one example along with others leaving both them nests vulnerable.

  • Thanks ALAN So good to have some up to date news