News from other nests 2013/2014

I have just had a look at Sanibel cam and I see an Osprey has arrived.   No idea who it is - is it Ripply from last year or a new bird.  I remember last year finding a facebook/blog page about this nest but for the life of me can't remember what it was so can't compare images from last season, so if anyone else can remember......

  • Please may I remind people that it is not appropriate or indeed advisable to talk about nests that are not in the public domain.


  • Jennifer T said:

    Please may I remind people that it is not appropriate or indeed advisable to talk about nests that are not in the public domain.


    I thoroughly agree. Might it not be a good idea for the RSPB to produce a list of the osprey nests they consider to be in the public domain?  I know there are some problems with that but I feel it might be useful to have such a list. 

  • I agree with you Tiger. A list would be very useful.

  • I think common sense should tell people not to mention nests with no protection , I would hope geniune osprey people would know what they are and anyone that posts info on 'other' nests  the posts should be deleted


  • Mrs T - What is RSPB interpretation of Public Domain.

    If you are referencing my post of a fourth breeding pair in Wales then this is in the public domain and provide a link.


    Also news of this has been posted regularly on here over the past weeks by Paul Wright without any moderation or advice in the past (I am now confused).

    On another notation RSPB have supported a thread entirely devoted to a nest which the SWT prefer to be Low Key for particular reasons and refer to it on their site as the SWT Alternate Site. Valerie mentions sites which offerns no protection well this falls into this category as do many mentioned on here recently some in the Lake District but all of which are still in the public domain.

    RSPB have supported such posts in recent weeks such as - White 91 (Of interest due to links with Glaslyn) is breeding at x in x shire seem acceptable to you (Not brought to our attention) and this is certainly no more in the public domain than referencing a fourth breeding pair in Wales.

    I totally agree with Tiger and Chloe clarification is needed here and a listing which sites can be retported on - Do you mean manned Visitor Centres only - such as your own RSPB Loch Garten.



  • I am sure that there are many nest sites that are not monitored or given any official protection or indeed have a public viewing centre, so for the sake of the protection of these magnificent birds, it is prudent not to discuss such nests, even if they are known on a 'local' or 'word of mouth' level. I do not have a list of RSPB official sites. Loch Garten is obviously one of ours, other societies will have details of theirs on their respective websites.

  • Keith  see you mentioned my name (not sure why?) and I would have thought the only way something should be in the public domain is if the actual nest has a official FB group ,official website , official webcam or blog or has been officially announced like Loch Doon, and the two in South Lakes.  Others like Lochter Balgavies and Loch Insh  get mentioned but they do have screens in cafes or Rangers  etc so are certainly not 'secret' nests . The two 'other' nests in Wales are not named in the 'friends of the ospreys' report but of late people have actually mentioned the location which I strongly feel is wrong , yes as 'Mrs T' says people are mentioning them locally but I just feel personally they should not be talked about on a thread like this and actually comments mentioning the name of the location should be deleted .


  • Unknown said:

    On another notation RSPB have supported a thread entirely devoted to a nest which the SWT prefer to be Low Key for particular reasons and refer to it on their site as the SWT Alternate Site.

    I believe I recognise the thread mentioned here. Who reads this comment might believe accounts came from people sneaking in through bushes to see this secret nest. Nothing like that: there's a publicly open SWT hide with sighting logs and other stuff. As a SWT member myself, I trust them and believe that an assessment ruling out human disturbance has been made before opening the hide and the surrounding area of the reserve to public.

    Please don't take it personally Keith, I understood your point, but you possibly picked up a wrong example when mentioning the thread. I just wanted to make clear that the site can't really be said secret and people who posted in the thread did not disclose anything confidential.

  • Roberto M - Dont worry as I never take anything personally and I am sure you do understand the point I was making.

    I agree the SWT Angus site was not the best example and when speaking with Emma they referenced it low key because of the availability to house only a few cars in that small wee car park and not for human disturbance. I find it a great wee spot and hide.

    However - I do hope authorities consider human disturbance of ospreys before granting the new venue for Tea in the Park.

    Valerie - I mention your name because of lack of RSPB being unable to answer Tiger's request to produce a list of the osprey nests they consider to be in the public domain? therefore your suggestions especially in your 11:56 post today to be the most sensible. I have removed any reference to nests in Wales and hope other posters who have done so long before me may follow suite.

  • Ok Let us start constructing our own list.

    In Scotland ospreys in the public domain and the nest sites public are

    1 Loch Garten

    2. Loch of The Lowes

    3. Lochter 

    4. Aberfoyle  (got a visitor centre but osprey nests not actually visible other than on screens)

    5. Tweed Valley (got a visitor centre but osprey nests not actually visible other than on screens)

    6. Caerlaverock (got a visitor centre but osprey nests not actually visible other than on screens) 

    7. Wigtown (got a visitor centre but osprey nests not actually visible other than on screens)


    1 Rutland

    2 Bassenthwaite

    There are other nests but I do not know whether they can be referred to or not. 


    1 Glaslyn

    2 Dyfi 

    Now nest 3 (Snowdonia) and nest 4 (Powys) are definitely not in the public domain and no location should be given. 

    This is meant to be an attempt to get a discussion going about what nests can be referred to.  It is not exhaustive.