Weekly Chat, Sunday, February 28, 2010

Evening all. Wonderful rainbow over Santa Barbara this afternoon; more like April with heavy showers then sunshine.  Don't forget to check last week's chat for Tiger's link to the Roy Dennis site about a French osprey that's already completed its migration, and Patriciat's recommendations for places to eat in Grantown (for when we all go to visit OG's son!).   :-)

  • Thanks so much Annette.   I said in a post yesterday how all the wonderful people on this site had helped with their support and positive thinking.  I was not good before we left for the hospital and just couldn't say anything.  OH very understanding and I made up the lack of talk as soon as I got the good news.  Had a couple of glasses of wine to celebrate (sitting down) I hasten to add and slept better than I had for the past week.


    Managed to catch Carly Simon on a TV show but I think I will be treating myself to her CD.


    Have a good day.


  • Thanks Cirrus I am feeling so relieved but at the same time worried about Maureen/Hilary. 


    Thanks for alerting me to the Mull eagle blog will go and have a look.  Good to hear that an osprey it taking an interest on the Hilton Head nest.  Really getting excited about the return of our ospreys now.


    Have a good day.


  • Yawn. A very early good morning. This is what comes of eating a late dinner and drinking two generous glasses of wine!  Can't believe all that chat so will try to catch up a bit now before I go back to sleep.

    Caerann: Very pleased with the Sibley book - could spend hours just browsing through it.  I heard on NPR's Marketplace (I think) that employers are "poised" to start hiring.

    Diane: Funny you should mention the "dark phase" hawk - I saw that (maybe in Sibley) yesterday and was wondering about it  Your late-smumer sounds beautiful.  Uh oh, more hummingbirds on the way - thanks for the links - forewarned is forearmed (sp?) , even if we're only talking sugar.

    OG: Did I buy any shoes?  Oh yes. The large-shoe god (goddess?) was certainly looking out fo rme yesterday. Now must set aside time to try on various skirts, pants with purchases to find the most comfy and versatile, then I'll return what doesn't work.. Hope it stays bright and warmer for you this p.m.

    BrendaH; Precious and the Piggies? Never heard of that one. He was in the States the other week doing interviews for La's Orchestra Changes the World.  Said he was starting a new series - he's certainly prolific. Comes across as serious in interviews but reveals a charming sense of humor in his books.

    Margobird: Crocus and daffodils popping up?  Brighter evenings? Spring is on the way. Hope it stays dry and sunny. Enjoy your Sunday treat!  Sounds like you've got a lot of nice trips planned for the summer and fall.

    Cirrus: We had our feeder hanging from the orange tree and had a wonderful mixed crop growing underneath; now it's on a concrete bit so we just have to sweep it up - constantly.

    Alan's pix are still a blank square for me; maybe later....?

    Back to sleep now; have a nice afternoon everyone.

  • Ah and alas Annette - my concrete steps are slick with fat ball droppings (like a table cloth ) which provide the soil for my mixed crop. No possibility of just sweeping them up !! I'm in for a breather now -  it was all very hard work and not finished. But, when I've got some really hot water on the steps to give them a final clean off then,  I shall put a  carpet of bubble wrap down and just hope the next high wind doesn't sail it into a neighbours garden.   Sigh.  Sweet dreams Annette.

  • Afternoon all fro TI:

    OG: Nice pictures of the Avocets. Beaks remind me of Curlews.

    Annette : My idea of a shopping mission is knowing what you want before you go, going straight to the shop  and buying what you intended in the first place. LadyP has more lateral thinking. i.e. she gets distracted and ends up buying other stuff as well.

    Margobird : Our bird bath was also frozen this morning so we must have had a sharp frost last night. It is nice to see the crocus flowering now along with the snowdrops and it wont be long before the daffodils are out especially with all this sunshine.

    This morning we went to Wyvale garden centre and used our gardening club membership to obtain a free herb in a terraccotta pot worth £4.99 allegedly. We chose mint as there was only one of them left and we dont have mint in the garden. Also had lunch before returning home.

    Latest from the peregrines is that Aria and Vento  in Rome now have their first egg and San Jose falcons now have 2 eggs.

    Weather : dry , temp 8.9c , Sunrise 06:38 , Sunset 17:46.

  • Falcon on the Zurich webcam now. It has spotted me I think:


  • Ok, Alan, how are you getting all of those birds to look directly at the camera in your wonderful pictures? Are you bribing them with birdie treats?   ;-)

  • CIRRUS  thanks for that, yes we have tried the tarte, just love anything with either lemon or lime.

    PATRICIAT will look out for nevis bakery gingerbread, love the thought of having it with fresh peach and cream, think we will try that over the weekend. Didn't realize you were from Nethy, got it into my head you were from somewhere in Ireland.

    Hopefully only 3 weeks or so till our osps arrive!  


  • Alan think you are right  lovely capture.


  • MARGOBIRD  so pleased to hear your news, relief all round for us as well as you and your family.   Great plans for the future.

    Can you please let me know the sight for Lily and Hope. I have so many things stored that I am confused as to what is where.

    Disappointing morning, went for a swim only to find the pool closed due to an iffy sample being taken, so had to make do with jakuzzi and steam. As I was leaving the pool opened again so will go over the weekend.