• Otter Antics and Sunny Delights

    Once again we’ve been at the mercy of the weather forecasters this week and our busier days have, not unsurprisingly, coincided with those occasions when the sun has been out. And what glorious days they were! The good weather not only brought more nature-lovers to the reserve but also teased some of our most anticipated wildlife out for visitors to see.

    Recent sightings

    Photo of an Otter at RSPB Leighton Moss, LancashireOtters continue to thrill, with at least…

  • Egrets, Spoonbills & Afternoon Tea!

    This week is significant in three ways for us here at Leighton Moss.

     The first, sees the twentieth anniversary of the first ever record of Great White Egret on the reserve. It may seem surprising to many modern birdwatchers, but not too long ago these massive white herons were a major rarity in the UK and would cause a significant twitch whenever one was sighted. Now, they're a pretty regular sight on many of our wetlands…

  • Spoonbills, Seabirds and Other Summer Holiday Sightings

     As the breeding season comes to a close, our Warden team make the most of the fleeting opportunity to head out into the reedbed and crack on with some practical habitat conservation before the arrival of overwintering wildlife. Throughout the summer, Common Reed can grow up to 3cm per day, so ensuring that this prolific plant does not obscure views for visitors from the hides is quite the feat. Cutting is a vital component…

  • Rare Wader Rewards Watchers

    When it comes to birdwatching, mid-summer is often considered a rather quiet, if unpredictable, time. The breeding season has come to a close and our resident birds are taking something of a well-earned rest after the frantic and often fraught nesting period. Some of our migrants are already well on their way south - Cuckoos famously depart early leaving their offsprings' foster parents to raise the hungry chicks while…

  • Bold Bitterns & Other Recent Sightings...

     The weather has been rather changeable over recent days, and at the time of writing, a sunny and peaceful morning has come to an end abruptly as a torrential downpour has marked the arrival of noon.  Despite the unpredictability of the British weather, fabulous wildlife sightings have been dependable, much to the delight of many of our visitors who are out braving the rain!

    On Wednesday, a juvenile Bittern emerged from…

  • Seabird Surprise and Other Recent Sightings

     Although we are situated close to the shores of Morecambe Bay, as many readers will know the main part of the reserve that people visit is wholly freshwater, and as such we don’t see too many seabirds flying around the reedbeds.

    Of course, the Eric Morecambe and Allen Pools are part of the tidal saltmarsh and the water here is brackish. These pools are regularly topped up by saltwater whenever there is a significantly…

  • Mixed Weather Brings Mixed Blessings

     It’s been something of a mixed week here weather-wise. And that of course, impacts on the wildlife and how it can behave. Prolonged spells of rain will keep certain birds skulking out of sight while others are totally unfazed by it, and some are actually even easier to see. In the latter camp are Sand Martins, Swallows and particularly Swifts – as the clouds descend so too do many of the insects that make up their…

  • Sandwich Tern, Silverdale Art Trail and other recent sightings

     It’s been another scorcher of a week in Silverdale, but the beating sun hasn’t deterred the wildlife (or, indeed, the visitors). The emergence of dragonflies and damselflies has brought about regular sightings of Hobbies, feasting in flight over the pools. Ospreys are seen fishing multiple times per day as the adults provision for hungry chicks. Views of Otters are becoming more regular; after a few months…

  • Swifts, Swallows and Susan Calman (& other sightings)

     We’ve had a double dose of telly appearances over the past few weeks! If Leighton Moss featuring on Painting Birds with Jim and Nancy Moir wasn’t enough glitz and glamour for you, then we hope you caught us on Susan Calman’s Grand Day Out last night on Channel 5. For the fifth episode of the series, Susan explored Lancashire and Morecambe Bay; her love of Eric Morecambe brought her to Leighton Moss for…

  • Squacco, Spoonbills and other sizzling sightings....

    It’s been a scorching start to June, and there have been some sizzling sightings to match. Since our previous blog was posted, visitors in Grisedale Hide were treated to stellar views of a Squacco Heron  (Wednesday 24 May)! Squacco Herons are a real rarity in these parts, with the last bird recorded in Lancashire 93 years ago, and only the second ever in the county. Visitor, Jeanie Lazenby, shared her photo and encounter…

  • Jim and Nancy Moir, Chris Packham and other celebrity sightings

    (Image by SkyArts)

    We are delighted to hear that RSPB Arne will be hosting BBC Springwatch this year, airing next week (from Tuesday 29 May) – it's been ten years since the Watches first visited RSPB Leighton Moss but our team still look back on it with fond memories. If you cannot wait to watch our southern sister site in the spotlight, then fear not! Leighton Moss has got its very own moment of glitz and glamour…

  • Gulls Galore, Pitta Dipper and Recent Sightings

     The reserve is a hive of activity at the moment; the wildlife is busy and bustling! Birds are in the throes of breeding season – some of the freshly arrived Spring migrants, like Sedge and Reed Warblers, can be heard singing throughout the day to attract a mate and stake out territory. Similarly, Grasshopper Warbler has been heard singing along the Causeway, while Lesser Whitethroat has been seen on the path beyond…

  • Dawn Chorus Festival 2023 and Recent Sightings

     It’s a week to go until Dawn Chorus Festival 2023 and our headlining acts are well underway with their sound checks! On Monday 24 April, a Lesser Whitethroat was another addition to Leighton Moss’s springtime Warbler ensemble. These birds are secretive, and this individual was heard singing on the path beyond Lower Hide deep in the woodland. Around the reserve, Grasshopper Warblers have been heard throughout…

  • Swifts, Sandpipers and Other Recent Sightings

     It’s been a week of glorious sunshine here in sunny Silverdale, and the wildlife has performing! Visitors have been leaving the reserve with a full complement of sightings – Bitterns, Bearded Tits, Marsh Harriers, Otters, Avocets and Ospreys are just some of the species on their Leighton list.  As Bitterns are becoming more territorial and are in the throes of courtship, they’re being sighted in flight more…

  • Grasshopper Warbler & Other Recent Sightings

     The sounds of Reed Warblers filling the reserve is a sure sign that Spring has well and truly arrived, and on Wednesday 12 April, we had another exciting addition to the building ensemble.  A Grasshopper Warbler was heard singing in the morning, from the path toward Grisedale and Tim Jackson Hides at the point where the trail forks.  These birds can be tricky to spot, as their ventriloquial song carries far in still conditions…

  • Spring Sightings and Easter Excitement

     Well, what a bumper fortnight it has been at RSPB Leighton Moss! It’s been full steam ahead for our Spring arrivals.  The reserve has been filled with the song of Chiffchaffs for the past few weeks, and now the chorus has been joined by Blackcap and Willow Warbler song. The first Reed Warbler in the area was heard on the evening of Friday 7 April, closely followed on the main reserve at Leighton Moss on Saturday 8…

  • Wild Isles – Nature Spectacles in Lancashire

     Has Wild Isles inspired you to get out and see a Starling murmuration for yourself? Huge Starling murmurations, and the fact that Starlings are regular chatty garden visitors, can give the impression that they’re thriving. But Starlings are one of the fastest-declining birds in the UK: their numbers fell by 53% between 1995 and 2018. They were added to the UK Red List of Conservation Concern as far back as 2002. 

  • Spring Excitement & National Lottery Open Week

     The air is thick with anticipation at RSPB Leighton Moss as visitors (and the team!) await spring arrivals. Sand Martins are one of the earliest birds to return to the UK, reaching our shores in late February/early March. Despite the beginning of the week being peppered with snow showers, the temperature warmed and reached double figures as we approached the weekend, and with this came the first sighting of Sand Martins…

  • Avocet Arrivals and Other Recent Sightings...

     Despite the imminent cold weather which is due over the next few days, spring feels like it has arrived at RSPB Leighton Moss -  marked by the first avocet arrivals. The first bird was spotted down on the saltmarsh on Wednesday 22 February, and since then, it’s been joined by at least seven other individuals. The Allen and Eric Morecambe Pools are currently holding a lot of water, so keep your eyes out on the muddy edges…

  • Bittern bonanza and other recent sightings...

     At this time of year, we see an influx of visitors who are hoping to hear bittern’s boom.  As the breeding season approaches, the males begin to boom: an act to stake out their territories. Each bird’s boom has its own idiosyncrasies -  distinct enough that our warden team can distinguish individuals just by listening! This gives us a good indication of how many males we have on site. So far, the team believe…

  • Half Term Happenings & Recent Sightings

     February is off to a booming start! At least two bitterns have been heard tuning up on the reserve, warming up ahead of a staking out their territories in the coming weeks. They can often be heard in the morning, but their croaks and wheezes are becoming now more prominent throughout the day. The peak of their booming happens between March – May, so hopefully this is just the beginning of what will be a very exciting…

  • Starlings, siskins and other recent sightings....

     We may be in the depths of winter but a walk around Leighton Moss is a reminder that January isn’t always bleak! Scarlet elf cup are beginning to bejewel the damp floors of the reserve, while skeins of pink footed geese “wink wink” overhead. Our Senior Site Manager, Jarrod Sneyd, saw a single chiffchaff sat in the trees on Wednesday: while these warblers are mostly summer migrants, a warming climate…

  • Getting ready for Big Garden Birdwatch... (& recent sightings)

     With a slight increase in temperatures over the weekend, RSPB Leighton Moss is currently defrosting!  Last week was a winter wonderland on the reserve -  the pools were frozen over, providing visitors with fantastic views of otters out on the ice and water rails scuttling across the paths. Marsh harriers have been displaying the first signs of pairing up – one female has been rather vocal; often seen perched on a post,…

  • Icy Outings & Recent Sightings

     If you weren’t yet feeling festive then we are sure the frosts of the past week will be getting you into the merry mood! As December arrived, the temperature plummeted – here in Silverdale we are reaching highs of one degree throughout the day. Consequently, the pools are frozen solid and the leaves underfoot are making a satisfying crunch. Despite being a little chilly, it’s a fantastic time to be out on the reserve…

  • Yellow browed warbler and other recent sightings...

     Bitterns, bearded tits, marsh harriers, starlings, otters…

    The list of regular wildlife sightings at Leighton Moss this week reads like a programme of the reserve’s headlining acts! The notorious bittern reported over the past few weeks is still treating us to its starring performance; it can often be seen (no binoculars needed!) in the reed stubble in front of the Causeway Hide. As many visitors have noticed…