Here's the latest recent sightings blog written by Sue.

This last week has finally felt like summer has arrived here at RSPB Leighton Moss, just in time for the summer holidays! Come on down and enjoy a relaxing stroll through our wild and wonderful reed beds. See how many different species you can spot on your visit. Pick up a Wildlife Family Trail quiz sheet from our Welcome Desk for some summer fun with the family or book onto one of our wonderful, guided walks. 

We had an amazing, although brief sighting of a Honey Buzzard flying over our Causeway pool towards Lilian's last week. The Honey Buzzard is a large bird of prey that is very similar to the Buzzard. It has broad wings and a long tail. The plumage is very variable across all ages – typical adults are greyish brown on their upperparts and whitish on the underparts. The nest sites of British breeding birds are usually kept secret to protect them from egg collectors. They are also listed as a Schedule 1 species on The Wildlife and Countryside Act offering them additional protection. Numbers are increasing, perhaps as a result of upland conifer forest maturing. It is a summer visitor to its breeding sites and spends the winter in Africa. Why not come along for a visit and see what you can spot in the skies above our wild and wonderful reed beds. 

 As mentioned in our previous blog, the reed cutting has now begun. This week the Moorhens and their rapidly growing young ones are emerging from the deeper reed beds and can be seen foraging outside the hides. Come along and see what else you can spot making the most of the new foraging areas created by the reed clearance. Could it be a juvenile Bittern? Or maybe a Snipe or a Water Rail? 

The Osprey’s, Marsh Harriers and Bitterns continue to delight our visitors with daily sightings.  We have had sightings of the Otters and cubs down at Lower Hide and Red Deer are showing well at Tim Jackson hide.  Have you seen the Oyster Catcher chicks at Tim Jackson yet, they are making great use of the Sandmartin tower for their nest. With the warmer, sunny weather the Dragonflies and Damselflies have been out and we’ve had a few Hobby sightings from Causeway over the last two weeks. 

Why not book onto our next Dusk Discovery Wildlife Walk – Wednesday 24 July (8.30-10.30pm) Experience the magic of Leighton Moss on this relaxing evening guided walk. We will look for the birds of the wetland and those coming into roost. Some of the Reserve’s mammal species will be emerging to feed. We will hope to see Deer and we will take bat detectors to help us identify some of the bat species that emerge after sunset.   Pre-booking is essential. Dusk Discoveries 

Over at the Eric Morecambe hides there have been large numbers of Lapwing arriving. Also, a rare sighting of a Wood Sandpiper which was around for a few days on the Allen Pool. A Lesser Whitethroat was seen feeding young outside the Eric Morecambe hide and a Garden Warbler was heard calling. At the last count there were 27 Avocet chicks and four fledglings. A Cattle Egret and four Barnacle Geese were also spotted over at the Eric Morecambe pools.  


Cattle Egret - Ann Stupple

The Little Ringed Plovers over on the Allen pools have been seen performing courtship display flights with butterfly-like movements. The male circles endlessly with slow wingbeats. The flight is accompanied by song, especially during steep ascents or vertical dives. Courtship displays are noisy, but this species become secretive while nesting. Let us know if you spot them while you are visiting the Eric Morecambe hides. 

Dates for your diaries, pre booking essential: 

Nature Tots Wednesday 24 July (10.30am-11.30am) 

Moths – A Beginners Workshop Saturday 3 August (10am – 12.30pm) 

Check these events out here 

Don’t forget our Book Cycle and Arts Fair Saturday 20 & Sunday 21 July (10am – 4pm) This is an opportunity to shop for our complete collection of pre-loved nature, wildlife and bird books. Also available will be pictures/prints and collectable pin badges. 

Our three trampers are proving very popular for our visitors with limited mobility, make sure to give our Retail Team a call to check availability for your visit and book one in advance. There is no charge for the hire of these vehicles although any donations would be welcome. 

We look forward to seeing you soon.