Wow, what fabulous weather we’ve seen over the last two weeks here at RSPB Leighton Moss. The Bearded Tits appear to be a little earlier than usual this year and are showing very well on both sets of grit trays already. The Otters have been delighting our visitors at Lower Hide, on the Causeway and at Lilians Hide over the last two weeks. Come along and see if you can spot some of our wonderful wildlife here at RSPB Leighton Moss. This is also the last weekend you can visit the Lower Hide before it is closed for renovation and replacement. For more information on the new hide follow this link - Lower Hide Replacement 


Otter Picture by Jarrod Sneyd 

The leaves are starting to turn their lovely autumn colours and the reeds have that beautiful purple shade to them as they shimmer in the breeze.  Dabbling and diving duck numbers continue to increase across the main reserve and the Red Deer have been showing really well from Tim Jackson and Grisedale Hides. If you look carefully, you might spot the one Bar-tailed Godwit that seems to quite like it at the Tim Jackson pool!  We are still seeing lots of Grey Herons, Little Egrets, Great White Egrets and a few Cattle Egrets on the main reserve. The Marsh Harrier numbers are increasing as the adults return from their adventures to over winter here at Leighton Moss. On Thursday evening from Lilians Hide we watched one male Marsh Harrier and three juveniles (young) hunting low over the reed beds together. The Kingfishers have also continued to show well across the whole reserve. 


Marsh Harrier Picture by Jarrod Sneyd 

Our Live Interpreter Dave has been out and about on the main reserve again, here is his latest report: 

Live Interpretation 19 Sept 

What a pleasure to volunteer at Leighton Moss on a hot. sunny day. There have not been that many of them this summer! On my way towards Causeway, I give in to the temptation to sit on a bench and feel the sunshine. I start dozing while I listen to hundreds of hoverflies buzzing around a nearby ivy bush. It is noticeable that most plants have lost their flowers by now but during late summer and autumn the ivy will provide nectar and pollen to feed many other insects such as bees, wasps and butterflies. A couple of Red Admirals join in the feeding frenzy, maybe building energy reserves for their imminent migration south. These flower feeding insects will provide food for birds. However, by early spring the ripening berries of the ivy will feed birds such as Thrushes, Woodpigeons and Blackcaps directly. A few minutes later I am chatting with a couple of visitors at the grit trays on Causeway. We’ve heard there was an amazing showing of 30 or more Bearded Tits earlier this morning. Maybe we’re a bit late? But within a few minutes, two beardies are resting on reed stems just a few yards away. Later, another visitor tells me to get to Tim Jackson hide where they’ve had prolonged close-up views of a group of five female adult and young Red Deer. I try to hurry but I get distracted by watching a Nuthatch and a Goldcrest. No need to worry though. They're still there lazing and grazing in the sun in full view of the hide! Happy day! 

Over at the Eric Morecambe Complex we have reports of approximately 30 Snipe, a Green Sandpiper, Greenshank, Ruff, Dunlin and a couple of Curlew Sandpipers to name a few of the various waders that regularly visit these saltmarsh pools. We’ve had up to five Cattle Egrets together on one of the Islands at the Allen pools and a few Avocets are still around. Merlin and Peregrine have also been spotted and occasionally flush everything into the air. 


Curlew Sandpiper Picture by Jarrod Sneyd 

Here are some of the events coming up in October along with the links for further information: 

Nature Tots - 2 October 10.30am-11.30am - Nature Tots 

Binocular and Telescope Weekend - Saturday 5 October and Sunday 6 October -    Binocular and Telescope Open Weekend 

Nature to Your Home Exhibition – 13 October 10.30am to 4pm - Nature to Your Home 

Check in with our Welcome Team on your next visit for any family activities, Nature Quest backpacks or Pond Dipping Kits or just to find out the latest news. 

We look forward to seeing you soon.