Great visit even though I didn't go far

Visited Lakenheath Fen reserve in Saturday afternoon in the unbelievably freezing temperatures - the molecules of water were freezing on my camera, scope and binoculars! But it was worth it. Even though in the end I didn't get further than the first viewpoint over the washes and river, I was treated to lovely views of the Great Grey Shrike, harassing roosting Reed Buntings, numerous Meadow Pipits, at least two Stonechats and hunting Barn Owls, as well as raptors in the poplars. Lateish, a small flock of Lesser Redpolls flew over. Finally, as dusk well and truly settled, I saw 4 Whooper Swans circle and come in to land on the washland, eventually sliding off into the dark. I know I missed bitterns, marsh harriers and goodness knows what else by not penetrating deeper into the reserve, but still, I didn't want to miss out on the shrike, whose pink underparts were really caught by the setting sun. Matthew