First Lakenheath visit of 2016!

I've been meaning to visit this lovely reserve again since going for the corvid roost walk last December......somehow I've never quite made it here until today!  It was the most perfect winter's day for a nice, long walk up to the Joist Fen viewpoint and back again - and there was plenty about:

An obliging female reed bunting from the New Fen viewpoint.

A number of what looked like lesser black-backed gulls flying in formation.  I was a bit bemused as I didn't realise they flew like this....or that they should be here at this time of year.

A beautiful coot flaunting its feathers in the glorious sunlight.

Awwwww.  I love mute swans.

A male marsh harrier floating above the reeds near the Joist Fen viewpoint.

An elegant grey heron in silhouette.

There were loads of greylag geese on the move, all noisily announcing their arrival!

More mute swans, in the air this time.

This beautiful, glowing kestrel would not look in my direction.

One of a growing number of rooks in the woodland.

A blue tit poses at the Visitor Centre.

This was a nice surprise - a water rail, also at the Visitor Centre.

I'm finishing with a colourful goldfinch.  Hope you enjoy these!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.