What's happening?

We were just wondering if anyone could enlighten us as to what is happening on the B1112  (Station Road).   On the side of the road, (past the entrance to the Reserve, heading towards Hockwold, just over the river bridge),  an area has been scraped off and flattened next to one of the wet areas.   Is this a Reserve thing or a Council Highways action?

It looks like a lovely place to park and watch the lake's inhabitants, or would be if a bit drier.....  

  • Hello Chris,

    Thank you very much for your post. This is not part of the reserve. It is our understanding that this was put in as a car park for fishermen and is currently being looked at by the local planning authority (West Norfolk District Council.) Please speak to them for further information: www.west-norfolk.gov.uk

    Many thanks,

    David White

    Information Officer