Early Morning Visit


   Planning an early morning trip to the Fen on Saturday morning, hoping to photograph the Marsh harriers and Barn owls plus any other interesting creatures ! anyone else had success there at 5am in the morning ?




  • Steve

    We got there at 0530 last Saturday.  The Red-footed Falcon is still there and you should hopefully catch him perching in the trees at the edge of New Fen; he didn’t start serious hunting until about 0700.  That’s also a very good time for hearing the male Golden Oriole.  Upon our arrival the sun was just rising and the bird song was immense.  Even saw the Otter cutting across the path just behind us. Good Luck and hope that the weather holds out for you.

  • Hi Steve,i have been to the fen a few times that early and without doubt it has always been most rewarding.Walk along river bank to joist fen viewpoint is your best bet to spot Barn Owl hunting along river bank.Keep an eye out to the left in woods for deer too.Also drive slowly along driveway to car park as there is often a surprise in the trees there , one morning a Buzzard was perched only 8ft on top of a small tree ! Wish you good luck. Cheers Ron.