Frampton feeders

On Thursday this week my wife and myself were in the visitor center at Frampton. Independantly one of us heard the feeders adjacent to the center had been moved because of rats, the other heard they had been moved because of raptors. Who if any of us , heard correctly?

  • Hello Indisisive, thanks for your message.

    The feeders have been moved because of rats rather than raptors. Two rats had set up home underneath the feeders, making the most of the seed that was dropped and also climbing up to the tree trunk to get at them.

    We decided to take the feeders away for three weeks and trim the vegetation around the trunk to discourage them from staying as, unfortunately, they had set up home near to the picnic area where children play in the summer, which isn't ideal. As you can imagine, once you see two rats you can expect to see many more, so we'd like to move them on if possible and this is the way we can interfere the least.

    I hope this answers your question.

    Thanks again, Laura

  • Thanks for the reply Laura, you've settled a marital dispute. Best of luck in Norwich