Flagged Ruff in April at Frampton Marsh

Can anyone tell me what the combination of the 'flag' and bands were on the legs of the Ruff seen at Frampton in April. I know one member came down to note the bands etc to get it identified. From what I can remember the flag and bands looked very similar to ones I have just seen on sandpipers banded in Alaska and the Yukon. Could the one at Frampton have come from the West side of the Atlantic.

  • Well reminded!  I'll see if I can find out.....

    I saw a colour-ringed juvenile avocet "A6" on 15 July, it was still quite downy, so I was surprised to learn that it hard come from Dunkirk in Cambridgeshire (40-50km) where it was ringed on 11 June.


    Unknown said:

    Can anyone tell me what the combination of the 'flag' and bands were on the legs of the Ruff seen at Frampton in April. I know one member came down to note the bands etc to get it identified. From what I can remember the flag and bands looked very similar to ones I have just seen on sandpipers banded in Alaska and the Yukon. Could the one at Frampton have come from the West side of the Atlantic.


    Local bird watcher Alex Parker saw this bird at Frampton on 08/03/10.

    It was ringed on 18/04/09 Gaast, Polder Gasst-Ferwoude.

    The Netherlands 53.01.05 N 05.25.55 E

    No other details given ie no age.

    It was part of a long term study by Groningen University into breeding range , & migration-patterns in waders. The driving force being the possible ability of a species ' immune system to deal with disease, which is more likely to occur under warm/freshwater conditions.

    Ruff & Black-tailed Godwit tend to breed South of the tundra desert belt & winter in more freshwater areas. As against the Artic breeders, Knot & Bar-tails, which tend to winter in more marine habitat.

    See Gallery for a photo of the bird....


  • Many thanks John,

     I couldn't exactly remember when it was as all my British note books are in England. That was the first 'Flagged' bird I had ever seen (being a new comer to the hobby) and the one over here was the second.
