Wet walk

Out to Dovestone in the rain today (Saturday). A few hardy souls out, wonderful colours everywhere. Saw the  Peregrine on her nest, visibility not good in the rain. Also red-legged partridge at Ashway gap, by the picnic tables. Others seen include: meadow pipit, lots of pied wagtails, jay, swallows, canada geese. Still hoping to see crossbills, which are supposed to be there, but no sign. Has anyone else seen any?

from John Harris, local RSPB member.

  • Hi John,

    Saturday was not the best day with the rain ! The Peregrine Watch carried on,  for the morning at least before being beaten by the weather ! It was great that you braved the rain and got to see the female Peregrine.  The Red Legged Partridges are fantastic birds.  Sounds like you got to see them quite close up.  I've not seen any Crossbills as yet but,  like you've said,  I've heard they are about.  It would be interesting to have that confirmed...