Hi, novice living in Connahs Quay and looking for some advice on were to spot any local Birds of Prey. Have seen Buzzards circling overhead from my house by Wepre Park last year and over towards the power station but wondered if anybody had advice of were to go and see anything else, cheers, Jeff.
Hi Jeff, nice to meet you the other night. The book I was refering to is called "Birds of Prey" by Collins (Benny Glibson)
Paul, thanks for that and good to meet you all. Had a good evening. Just been watching 6 Buzzards float above our house ;-)
Hi Paul, hope i find you well. Some spare time from work friday afternoon. was thinking of visiting the reserve area. For any chance of seeing local raptors would you recommend the resvere or the Parkgate area of the watches? if so is there a good time? thanks, Jeff.
Hi Jeff, I would visit both, the hen harriers seem to be prefering the marsh at the moment whilst the merlin and marsh harriers are favouring Burton Mere Wetlands