Burton Mere Wetlands sightings

Appears the spotted crake has moved on after a few days without being seen, but still plenty of good birds worth paying a visit to see:

500+ black-tailed godwit, 1 green sandpiper, 1 common sandpiper, 3 ruff, 4 spotted redshank, 3 dunlin, 3 snipe, 1 great crested grebe, 8 spoonbill, 80+ greylag goose, 6 spotted flycatcher, kingfisher, marsh harrier, 1 peregrine, kestrel. Also stoatcommon lizard, various dragonflies and butterflies.

Water level dropping nicely on Reception Pool so lots of mud bringing both sandpipers, ruff, snipe and a few godwits into excellent close proximity of Reception Hide. Several hundred Canada geese gathering as typical for August after moulting on the nearby Mersey Estuary, but quite mobile so not dominating any single part of the reserve.