Wader Scrape birds and animals in beautiful light

What a lovely day yesterday, albeit very very cold winds blowing in through the window of the Wader Scrape hide.

Here's how it ended up at 4.30pm and this and the light prior made even our regular visitors look so special.

Above pic Lumix FZ200

The wind made it hard work for many of the birds and the odd bouts of rain kept them active whilst trying to get cover.

At this stage we saw a Bittern lift out of the reeds for a brief moment only to drop back down again and rest, not to be seen again that day.

Photograph above, sighting was at a fair distance.

Hope u enjoyed!

C ;-)

  • Thanks Nicola!

    The bird of prey is causing a bit of a stir, I dont want to say anything cos' I don't want to get shot down in flames but I have differeing opinions between several friends.... Sparrowhawk or Goshawk???

    There's a few differing tones and colours and it looks quiet a chunky Sparrowhawk??

  • Great photos - especially the first one.

    The raptor is a Sparrowhawk if that helps.

    It isn't easy when there isn't much to compare the bird to but it is too small for Goshawk. It is sat on a fence post and if it was a Goshawk it would be much bigger. Goshawk are much more chunky and barrel chested. The colouration isn't right - this will turn into an adult male Sparrowhawk so you can already see the flush of pink starting to appear and you wouldn't see that on a Goshawk. Also, the eye-brow would be far more defined giving Goshawk a much 'fiercer look'. The legs are also too thin. Sparrowhawk are designed to chase small birds through narrow spaces and have long thin legs that can reach out to grab stuff. Goshawk legs are much stronger and really chunky allowing them to tackle far bigger prey. As an aside, Goshawk often hunt prey on the ground by running after it and can chase down a squirrel no problem... It may account for the fact that you never see Goshawks - you need to look down not up!



  • Awesome reply Matthew and also very educating!

    I didn't doubt my friendly informer on the day , it was just so many people said it wasn't a sparrowhawk.

    I am happy to be led by the professionals, I try to do my best being a photographer over a birder, but I do love both. just need to get reading my books more!

    See you all soon!

    ps...it said rain today...isn't that the sun I can see????? ;-/

  • It isn't easy being a birder and photographer at the same time. I tend to focus on one or the other on any given day otherwise I find I do both badly!

  • That's a lovely rabbit photo 3rd from bottom. I like the sunlit ears! :-)

  • I find the same when using two different camera bodies after many years Matthew, the brain tries to switch between both and that lapse can make you miss valuable shots (It may be age???). But hey, we try.