Hi all, I photographed this one feeding on the pea nuts in my garden, it is the first one I have seen in my garden with a tag on its leg, I am on Bempton Lane Bridlington, any ideas as to where it may have come from?
If you could read the numbers on the ring it would be possible to find out exactly where and when it was ringed. Without those details it would be impossible to say where it came from but I don't think Great Tits range very far so it is probably from somewhere fairly local to you.
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Hi Galatas, sorry I cannot make the numbers out, I only live a few miles from Bempton RSPB as the crow flys and about three and half miles by road. So could it have been ringed there? I guess we will never realy know as I cannot make the numbers out a pity though I would have liked to have known, may be if or when it returns I may be a little bit lucky and get the numbers lol.
thanks for your reply,
Dave M