I have three yellowhammers coming to feed in the garden now, these are the lates photos of them.
Lovely shots, i'm still waiting for a good view of one. I'm getting jealous of all the different birds people are getting in there gardens. I only get the more common ones where I am.
Hi Dave, Nice pics of your Yellowhammers. They are such attractive birds to have visiting specially now that they are donning their bright yellow colours in preparation for the breeding season. I had none all winter until yesterday when a couple came along with a Reed Bunting and a Pied Wagtail.
"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake
Since we moved in and put the feeding stations up over the months different birds have started coming to the garden, cannot wait until spring and summer when I can sit outside and watch them, also get better photos, instead of the ones through the double glazing lol.
Great birds to have in the garden
Saw my first for years in Pickering last summer
Thanks for sharing your pics
Aren't they great birds to see ? Good photos Dave
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ive just seen one in my garden for the first time.. taken some shots and looking closer its been ringed? blue one on one leg and a yellow on the other?? would anyone know why?
thank you alan will do x
This article might be of interest to you http://www.birdguides.com/webzine/article.asp?a=2133
i cant find the identify this forum!!!! so new to this ;-)
wow thank you. now i know why it was ringed x