I've lived in Bempton all my life. As you can see this report is from last June. The first we heard of this application in the village was about a week ago when we received a letter posted to us by another local resident in protest to the wind turbines. These turbines are a similar size to those at Lisset. Anyway I thought i'd ask on here what the impact may be on the birds and wildlife as i was told by a friend that the RSPB were quite clear on their ideas on where these types of developments should be. I hope at least this post will inform a few more people pf what is going on here.
Minutes from the local meeting - http://www.flamborough-pc.gov.uk/Data/Sites/12/documents/minutes/2011/minutes,3rdoctober2011.pdf
These are the Lisset turbines, but roughly show the size
Published on Friday 24 June 2011 17:00
THERE are fears plans for a wind turbine close to Flamborough Headland would blight a protected area and could open the floodgates to more.
Developers Wind Energy Direct Ltd are considering putting a 377ft turbine on land between Bempton and Sewerby.
It would be seen clearly from the villages and fears are it could dominate the Sewerby, Marton and Danes Dyke area – itself a protected nature reserve – and is within Flamborough’s Heritage Coast area.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s planning committee will consider an application by the Ireland based company for a 200ft wind monitoring mast on the site for a period of 18 months.
If it shows the turbine – almost as big as those at Lissett – would be viable, a planning application for the 377ft turbine itself would follow, which would be subject to full consultation.
The site, owned by a local family, is close to Munton’s Maltsters in Jewison Lane, which would use power from the turbine.
A spokesman for Muntons said it had no joint interest with the developers.
He said: “Wind Energy Direct contacted us and asked if they put up a wind turbine nearby would we be interested in taking energy from it.
“We said we would as we are an ethical company which cares about the environment. We are 13th in the Sunday Times – Continued on Page 3
list of around 60 Best Green Energy businesses in the UK, the fourth year we have been listed and our highest rating.”
The plan has worried local residents, among them David Hinde, 55, of High Street, Bempton, who said his biggest concern was many local people are completely unaware of the proposal.
He said: “It will have the same visual impact as the turbines at Lissett.
“I am very concerned if it goes ahead it could open the floodgates to more wind turbines on the headland.”
Among those unaware of the plan on its doorstep is Flamborough Parish Council. Although the site is not within its parish, chairman Ian Woodhouse believes they would probably be the most affected.
He said: “For example, we fought tooth and nail to protect Danes Dyke. Personally I am very wary of this proposal and would not be in favour of it.
“Apart from the visual impact it could have a detrimental effect on wildlife including migrating birds.
“Turbines should be in a much less sentitive area.”
The matter will be discussed at the parish council’s next meeting on July 4.
At its meeting on Tuesday evening Bempton Parish Council recommended the aplication for the monitoring mast be rejected/approved *********
However, Bridlington Town Councillors raised no objection to it at their planning committee meeting on June 13.
However the issue of wind turbines in general will be discussed at its full meeting on July 20.
Wind Energy Direct have confirmed the project is for a single turbine feeding directly into the Muntons industrial unit and it is at a very early stage.
If the project proves viable they will be involved with the community through public information and consultation days prior to any full planning application for the turbine is submitted.
John Wilkinson, East Riding of Yorkshire Councillor for Bridlington North, said in his view Bridlington itself was in danger of suffering from windfarm and turbine proposals.
He said: “I would be against a proliferation of wind turbines in the vicinity of the Heritage Coast and Danes Dyke, and around the resort of Bridlington.
“They will have the effect of industrialising the area and detracting from its visitor appeal.”
l Proposals are currently in progress for a multi-turbine wind farm at Fraisthorpe, a further multi-turbine development at Thornholme near Burton Agnes and one between Burton Fleming and Hunmanby.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council recently gave approval for a twin turbine site at Carnaby.
source of article - http://www.bridlingtonfreepress.co.uk/news/local/turbine_worries_1_3507655 source of picture - http://www.thisishullandeastriding.co.uk/Energy-giant-s-monster-wind-farm-plan-East/story-13349393-detail/story.html
As well as this article there are quite a few more around just search on the web for 'proposed Bempton wind turbines' or something similar. Thank You for reading my post.
I am in favour of windturbines, but they must be placed in an area that is not going to spoil our beautiful coast or infringe on Bridlington, beleive it or not Bridlington is a tourist town. What about the wildlife around Bempton & Flamborough, it seems to me that councils & developers will put them anywhere so long as there is a profit in it for them, & to hell with wildlife and the feelings of local inhabitants.
Come on councillors consider the people in these areas, remember they put you there and they can take you off as well.
Hi there,
Thanks for taking the time to contact us with your query.
We understand that the proposals are for wind turbines some distance from the cliffs. Owing to their size and position, we do not believe the current proposals would have an impact on seabirds from the Flamborough and Bempton Cliffs Special Protection Area.
We also do not believe that the turbines would pose a conservation threat to farmland birds in the area.
I hope this answers your question.
Margaret Overend, RSPB regional communications manager
I live 5 minutes away from the turbines at Lissett, why do they need to put more up so close to these ones? surely 12 is enough for this part of the coast? its all about profit for the big guys aint it!!! i'm sure they wouldn't wan them on their doorstep.
Well said DazN, I agree whole heartly with you, like I said in my earlier reply I don`t mind them but they must be in the right location, there is one thing I do know they seem to upset people all over the country, & are they that green?
good quiestion? "are they that green" i'm no expert but i'd say the construction of them and the work involved putting them up can't be any good for the environment and not to mention the disruption to the local wildlife with all the ground works going on prior to them being erected!!!
where do i stop!!! sorry, getting carried away now.
Also they are planning to place alot more turbines in the mouth of the river Humber, which is better than destroying countryside
so what with the turbines at Lissett, god knows how many turbines at Easington, the plan for the Humber and now!!!! some more at Bempton!!! JESUS!!! we could power the british isles just from East Yorkshire!!!!
Surely the FAT CATS! must think "yeah there's enough there now"??
It seems a shame that RSPB opposition to proposed planning reforms and how this will impact the countryside cannot be extended to supporting the local community in their fight against giant wind turbines being constructed in such a special wild place. Especially when they are seeking local support for developments at RSPB Bempton.
If the RSPB is seeking support for developments at RSPB Bempton, is it not a case of keep our heads down and we may get what we want??????