Hi all, I have now added a few more things to my station, more fat ball containers, feeding hoppers, and a bird table. I think we have two Green finch visiting our bird table, the Blue Tits turned up for the first time today as well. So far we have Blackbirds, Dunnocks, Robin, Great Tits, Tree Sparrows, Dunnocks, Blue Tits, and Green finch. At first we thought that no birds would visit our station, but over the few weeks we have had it the birds have gradually discovered it so more and more have visited.
Hi Dave
Glad to hear you are getting new visitors.
I am now starting to get my winter visitors,namely a thrush and a pair of pied wagtails.I don't see them any other time (not in my garden anyway!).
Last winter I also had 5 chaffinchs but this year have only seen a solitary female.
Also a Robin whch I also tend to only see in winter.
Maybe something exciting will turn up and give me a surprise!
It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Hi Madpenquin, we are very pleased that the birds have discovered the feeding station, our back garden backs onto openfields, with large hedge`s, the fields to the left and right are horse padocks. A park with open playing fields and a woodland walk also backs onto our sidefence. My wife finds the birds antics fascinating, especially the Blue Tits and the quarrelsome Treesparrows.
As for something exciting turning up you never know what these cold spells will bring into the feeding station!!!!