My first trip to Bempton - now with second day update

Having failed to get to Bempton last year, I decided to go at the first opportunity this year so I planned a two day trip for the first good weather after Kevin G and the reserve had reported all the regulars. These are a few photos from the first day (Wed 18th afternoon). I'll add others and those from Thursday later when I've had time to go through them.

As my first trip I enjoyed getting the Gannets, Fulmars and Kittiwakes and some of the others (and took far too many photos) but it was a bit of an odd day with hardly any Razorbills, Guillemots or Puffins and although we eventually spotted a few of each out at sea there were none at all on the cliffs.

Jackdaws seem to be ubiquitous and keep an eye on whatever you're eating outside the cafe. This one had its eyes firmly fixed on my cheese pastry but such lovely eyes!

Not many Gannets were collecting nest material but a few were and came pretty close doing it.

A couple of porpoises showed briefly at the bottom of the cliff, but it's a long way down so just a record shot (there were two honest!).

Got way too close to this Gannet in-flight shot ... but it has such a great expression...

A pair getting all lovey

Coming in to land

A Herring Gull passes leisurely by

A Fulmar does what Fulmars do so well

Who runs flight control around here?

Is this anyone's spot?

Immature Herring Gull ... probably!


Gannet fly-by

A Tree Sparrow sits on the bird bath back at reception ... it's the bird bath that's slightly wonky not the photo :)

The sun and heat have really brought the insects on and this Shield Bug demanded to have its picture for any Forumites into Shieldbugs :)

I'll add pics from day 2 and any others I come across from day 1 later ... much later ... and you'll be happy to know day 2 brought out the auks (as shown in Alan's thread). I've never seen such a change in two days but even so, I still thoroughly enjoyed day 1!


Nige   Flickr