A weekend at Bempton on a beautifully hot 8th and 9th July!

I must confess to having held on to this thread until this time of year - it still brings back glorious memories of lovely, hot summer weather.  I'd just spent a week in Scotland and, on the whole, it had been unusually cold for July.  Arriving at Bempton felt like being on another planet - suddenly I was back in the land of T-shirt and shorts weather, lovely!  It was coming up to mid-afternoon when I arrived and I lost no time in heading out to see what was about.  The first birds inevitably popped up at the Visitor Centre:

I still get excited when I see tree sparrows.

He was clearly enjoying the weather nearly as much as I was.

A lovely, shiny jackdaw.

Sitting on the edge of darkness ......... this sleek herring gull.

A cheeky young kittiwake!


A pair of beaky razorbills.

'We're hard, we are.'

There were a few gannets about!

A shy young crow.

You'd be forgiven for thinking I was somewhere in the Mediterranean with a sea that colour.

What a beautiful sight!

For some reason I found myself thinking of a piano keyboard.

This one will probably be breeding next year.

What's up there?

These birds really know how to do togetherness.

Woo Hoo!  I got the fulmar!

I just had to highlight the beautiful silver feathers of the herring gull in flight.

I saw this bird on the way back to the car park - I think it's a linnet.

Finishing with a dunnock.

Right - time to go through my snaps from the following day.

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • After staying overnight in a nice little place nearby (and enjoying a very tasty breakfast!) I headed back for a couple more hours enjoyment before I headed back to Suffolk.  This time I had a quick look at the feeders before heading to the cliffs:

    A lovely chaffinch.

    This female blackbird didn't look too happy........

    ..........poor old Ratty couldn't be why, could he?

    Three hungry young herring gulls on the cliff top ...........

    ......... and their very watchful parent!

    A rock dove watches me carefully.

    Awwwww.  A kittiwake parent and chick!

    Guillemots are clearly gentle, caring parents.

    I was told that this fulmar was demonstrating nesting behaviour - a bit late in the season, though.

    This jackdaw decides that the message on this notice needs to be highlighted.

    A goldfinch on the way back to the car park.

    Finishing as I started with a lovely tree sparrow.

    I hope you all enjoy these!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.