Day Trip to Bempton

Bempton is one of my favourite places to visit - I just love the gannets - and having read all Kevin's blogs over these past few weeks, I was pleased to finally get there myself.  Shame you weren't there Kevin, but I still have plenty of photos to show you and anyone else who's interested!  

I was out with my local bird club and we made an early start and were there by 8.45am (it's a two hour journey from me).  We were blessed with the weather (at least until 4.00pm) with lovely blue sky and sea and not too windy!

The red Campion is stunning at the moment and made for a lovely landscape.

As Kevin has mentioned in previous blogs, the gannets were gathering nesting material.

Just love those blue eyes!

A bit of togetherness!

And a bit of a fracas with the neighbours!!

They are a dream to photograph as they are just so close!

There seemed to be a lot of Razorbills around this year.

And some gorgeous Kittiwakes.

Plenty of Herring Gulls around too collecting nesting material.....

.....and the odd snail!

The Jackdaws are almost tame as they wait on the fence posts by the picnic area hoping to be offered a sandwich or two!

There were plenty of Whitethroats singing away and perching amongst the Campion - they were too far away and wouldn't stay still for my camera but this one on the gorse in the car park was a bit more obliging!

Another view along the cliffs,

And a bit more gannet action!  I took so many photos of them it's hard to choose which ones to post!

A youngster.

And we did manage one Puffin on the cliffs - quite a long way down and we spotted a few more on the sea.

It was a fabulous few hours.  I really hope to get back again for another trip before the season ends.

See my Flickr photos here


  • Wow Christine, what stunning photographs, scenery and birdlife, glad the weather was so nice for your visit as it makes all the difference to enjoy such a wonderful trip.    Can't pick a favourite as I love them all.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • What fabulous pictures Christine, the Gannets are such striking birds with their blue eyes and markings on the head.   You have captured some lovely poses, and the Kittiwake is one of my favourites.  You were lucky with the weather and the flowers and views are lovely.

    Lot to learn

  • Superb,Christine.You`ve done the place justice. Will get meself back there soon,god willing.

  • What beautiful photos, Christine. The Gannet shots are amazing. It's a place I've never been to unfortunately. It looks stunning especially with the glorious weather. Well worth the early start.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Fabulous photos, Christine--thanks!  Love the Gannets.  They always look like they have been sculpted from stone.  Your Kittiwake looks like a cuddly toy.  You were so lucky with the weather and the flowers as well as with all the gorgeous birds.

    Kind regards, Ann