A long awaited visit to Bempton.

Bempton Cliffs has been somewhere I've wanted to visit for years so when one of the guides at Minsmere invited Limpy to go up there at the weekend I naturally wanted to go with them - after all it's a mere five hours' drive up the coast from our Felixstowe home!  So, on Sunday morning, we were up bright and early (you don't want to know how early) and we had a very pleasant drive up to the East Riding of Yorkshire.  It was worth the drive, too.

At Minsmere you can't help but notice the cheeky, in-your-face magpies - here is Bempton's equivalent:

To our very pleasant surprise there were tree sparrows galore:

We then headed to the cliffs to see (and hear!) the seabird population.  I couldn't resist sharing this gorgeously coy kittiwake:

The gannets seemed very content with life despite the noise levels (to which they seriously contributed):

They are hard work to catch in flight but I just about managed it here:

Undoubtedly the most colourful bird present was the puffin:

It didn't look remotely fazed at being towered over by the razorbill:

Would these guillemots turn around?  Not even for a split second:

Who's that lurking under the left wing?

This pair of fulmars seemed very cosy in their corner:

A lovely herring gull family:

I'm going to hazard a guess that these are rock doves:

We all had a very enjoyable few hours before heading off on our long drive back to Suffolk.  I must say it was massively worth the effort of getting up there and I'm really looking forward to returning!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • What a distance for you to go, Clare! Looks worth it, though. Loved your pics - I remember seeing Fulmars on TV, they are amazing birds, especially when they dive, like knives going into the ocean.

    Glad you both had a brilliant day.

  • Really pleased you had a great day, Clare, and some excellent images expressing Bempton at it's best! We may have met as I'm a volunteer viewpoint guide and spent Sunday on Grandstand? I love Norfolk and Suffolk and look forward to re-visiting. Hopefully you will return to Bempton soon.

  • Wonderful pics Clare. Well worth the early start and long journey.

    Kind regards


  • Fantastic pictures Clare - I will go an google now to see how far away it is. I was at Minsmere this morning for the Health Walk - it was as beautiful as ever. Do you will volunteer there?

  • Great set of pictures Clare. Now you know why those of us who love Bempton wax so lyrical about it on here!

    Strongly recommend that next time you venture oop North you and Limpy book into a hotel for a few nights. Flamborough just a couple of miles south of Bempton offers great clifftop walking, great birds and great food. And if you're in the region with transport there's Spurn to the South and RSPB Saltholme and the Northumberland coast to the North, all must-see areas for birders.



  • Many thanks, all.  Kevin, it's very possible I met you - you'll have to mention on here when you'll next be on the Suffolk coast and visiting Minsmere so I can look out for you.

    Harelady, I'll next be on Reception on Friday afternoon.  Glad you enjoyed your walk!

    Ian, I'm not surprised you wax lyrical about Bempton - even Limpy loved it and he doesn't usually get enthusiastic about seabirds (though he loves puffins).  Apart from the sheer number of birds I think the most impressive sight were the gannets flying in formation - I didn't know they flew like that and I wish I'd got better photos of them doing it.  I could certainly be persuaded to take a holiday up Norff (sorry, southerner!) in the near future.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Bempton's great, Mrs WJ & I visited there last year over a couple of days.  I could spend hours watching the Gannets riding the air currents.  This year our Gannet fix came from Troup Head, up above Aberdeen.  Kinda like Bempton but without the fence to stop you falling off the cliff!


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  • Fantastic set of photos Clare, looks like a great place for a visit. You've whetted my appetite for our visit to the Isle of May on Sunday.

    My bird photos HERE

  • Glad you got there claire because now we all have some wonderful pictures to look at thanks for that.

  • Bempton Cliffs is fantastic indeed - glad you enjoyed it. It's taking us 5 hours return drive to get there but as you say it's worth it. Great set of photos too, I particularly like the herring gull family and your cheeky kittiwake. Puffins are amazing, nothing phases them (the only time I've seen them miffed is when they are challenged by another puffin).

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    "Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way." John Muir