• Where have all the bugs gone?

    Blogger: Aggie Rothon, Communications Officer

    It’s suddenly gone cold hasn’t it? It only seems like yesterday that we were rushing outside in shorts and t-shirts but now the mornings have that smoky grey autumnal quality and the evenings have a bite to them. I rather like it, being fond of the mellow, fecund months before December’s festive rush.

    Last week I cut back some of the summer’s excess stalks…

  • Poetry in Motion - Breaking News!

    The RSPB and The Rialto are thrilled to announced today the winner of their first ever poetry competition as Pat Winslow with her poem entitled, 'East Sabino Sunrise Circle – the visit'.

    The entries came in from all over the world, astounding the RSPB and The Rialto in their quest to pick a winner. In total 3778 poems were received from 18 countries.

     Pat Winslow said: “I’m absolutely delighted to have…

  • Autumn days when the grass is jewelled ....

    It was the summer equinox over the weekend, on the 22 September. It is a time of year that makes me feel both happy and sad at the same time. The sun, pitched perfectly against a clean, crisp, blue sky, watching down on us from its highest position gives me a real boost. A natural energy shot! But, at the same time, there is that slight chill in the air. A chill that makes it uncomfortable to wear short sleeves. Your…

  • Lunch in the cemetery anyone?

    Blogger: Jacqui Miller, Conservation Officer

    Last month I swapped my wardening job in the Cambridgeshire Fens for the life of a Conservation Officer at the Regional Office in Norwich. What a change - moving house, working in an office, and in a city as well! I was a bit worried to be honest. I love the outdoors, and loved being able to work in the midst of wildlife every day. Work parties in the reed beds – ‘oh look…

  • Wallasea Island Wild Coast Weekend 2012: Come and see what all the fuss is about

    Blogger: Hilary Hunter, Wallasea Island Public Engagement Manager

    With the new Environment Secretary, Owen Paterson, officially launching the construction of Wallasea Island yesterday, we are now inviting members of the public and the local community to come and celebrate. The Wild Coast Weekend takes place on the 22 and 23 September and is totally free!

    For the first time, visitors will be able to see the large…

  • Anyone for the school run?

    Blogger: Aggie Rothon, Communications Officer

    Come rain or shine, good mood or bad, I shall be driving this same route every week day. Over the rail way lines, right at the sharp corner, under the bridge and out in to the open as we putter along the field edge. At the moment it is golden with corn stubble and I wonder how it will change as the season turns. Perhaps cocoa brown with the autumn plough and green with the…

  • Rainforests in the East - Diary Post #4: Bumboats & Butterflies

    Blogger: Ian Robinson, Broads Area Manager

    "I’ve recently got back from a month on Diego Garcia [often called DG] in the Indian Ocean. I had 2 days in Singapore before heading over to DG and managed to spend one of them on Pulua Ubin an island just north of Singapore – it is the last remnant of Tropical rainforest and gave some impression of what Singapore used to look like.

    I arrived on Pulua Ubin by…

  • My new countryside friend.

    With the evenings starting to draw in (no, I hear you cry!) it’s hard not to start thinking about autumn. On a recent bike ride out with some fellow cyclists, I was reminded that although summer might be behind us, there is till plenty to head outdoors for.

    Riding through the Norfolk countryside is always exciting. Not because I power the pedals in a Bradley Wiggins style pretending to be leading the Tour de Norfolk…

  • Rainforests in the East - Diary Post #3

    Blogger: Kim Matthews, Campaigns Officer

    I’ve been completely infected with Olympic and Paralympic fever, so much so that I have joined my local gym with grand aims of losing weight and getting fit.  But if I’m honest, the very best thing about it so far has been the steam room.  The billowing, humid heat that hits you when you open the door instantly transports me back to my first ever visit to a tropical…

  • More than a telethon (like in the 80s)

    Blogger: Rachel Frain, Fundraising and Project Administrator

    Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been stepping up for nature.  Calling on our trusty supporters to build an army of bucket collecting volunteers, for our together for trees campaign.  If you haven’t heard, Tesco stores nationwide have opened their doors to us on the 21 & 22 September so we can raise money for the rainforests.

    I’ve been staying…

  • That back to school feeling

    Blogger: Kate Blincoe, Communications Manager

    It’s September time and with the promise of mellow autumn days and blackberries comes a familiar feeling. It’s a heavy sort of weight on my chest; not painful, not unpleasant; it is just sitting there like mild sorrow or the reminder of past grief.

    I’m not the only one; whatever your age, many of us feel a ‘back to school’ emotion at this time of year. Lazy August…

  • Farewell...

    Today is my last day working for the RSPB1 before I head off to an even better job2.

    Whilst the above sentence is factually accurate, I feel the need to clarify on points 1 and 2.

    1)    Today I leave as a paid member of staff; however I’m not sure I will ever stop working for the RSPB. I fully intend to keep supporting the conservation work that is done in our beautiful region by this bunch of tenacious, talented and hard…

  • Into the wilds of North America

    Blogger: Gena Correale Wardle, Community Fundraising Officer

    I have just returned from the most amazing three week holiday in North America, exploring the North East of the USA and Canada. We took in several man made marvels over the course of our time away but the most incredible parts of our journey were spent amongst breathtaking scenery and miracles of nature. From seeing my first cardinals in my Aunt’s garden bushes…

  • I know what you did last Summer [Holidays]...

    Blogger: Erica Howe, Communications Officer

    ...If it was anything like me it was probably moaning a little that the weather wasn't like how I used to remember it was when I was a kid. Do you remember what it was like in those heady care free days/daze?

    I can remember the instructions vividly. Don’t cross any main roads and be back before it gets dark. Oh, and be careful!

    Two out of the three were always…

  • Czech Out the Summer Holidays of a Conservation Manager

    Blogger: John Sharpe, Conservation Manager

    It’s always fascinating to go to a new area and see how it differs from home. I’m just back from a two week cycling holiday in central Germany with my family and we had a fantastic time. It was a very low carbon trip. We set off on our bikes from home with just two panniers apiece to meet our needs over the next fortnight. We took the train and ferry from Harwich (did you…

  • Kangaroos in Norfolk

    Blogger: Rachel Frain, Fundraising Administrator

    Recently I was lucky enough to spend the day outdoors in beautiful surroundings with a really cool bunch of five year olds.  I say I was lucky because my day-to-day job is as an administrator at the RSPB.  This usually sees me office bound, stuck behind a desk dealing with lots of paperwork and looking at lots of figures.   As important as this is, I love being outdoors! 

  • If you go down to the woods today

    Blogger: Kate Blincoe, Communications Manager

    When the holidays are here and if by chance the sun should shine, many of us rush to the beach. What is it about the sea air and big horizons that draw us to the coast? However, when you are tired of sand in your sandwiches, it is worth remembering that a trip inland can give you that same holiday spirit and sense of escape from the everyday.

    Thetford Forest is a gem on…

  • "I'm bored Mum" Not any more! It's your top 3 cool things to do in the summer hols.

    Blogger: Kate Blincoe

    The initial euphoria of not having to get everyone out of the door bright and early has worn off. The days are long and the weather is at best changeable. Keeping the brood occupied can seem like a challenging task, but never fear, here is your stay sane guide to the summer hols.

    Image: RSPB images

    Go for gold!

    If you’ve got tired of recreating the long jump in your lounge, then how about aiming…

  • Postman Pat & the Red Admiral

    Blogger: Aggie Rothon, Communications Officer

    Of all the children’s programmes that I find myself sharing with my little boy, Robin, there is one that I seem to have a slightly sentimental attachment to and that is Postman Pat. It might be because I remember the programme from my own childhood (we even went to a Postman Pat theatre production once) but that isn’t the only reason.

    Actually I think it’s…

  • It’s not all about the money money money (but it helps)

    Blogger: Joan Childs, Site Manager for Rye Meads nature reserve

    The girls of St Margaret’s school in Bushy, Hertfordshire, have raised a whopping £650 for their local RSPB nature reserve – Rye Meads! The girls from St Margaret’s, which is an independent school for girls aged 4-18, raised the money through lots of fun activities that they ran over the last couple of months.

    I was invited over…

  • Rainforests in the East - Diary Post #2

    Blogger: Lili Kumar, Community Fundraising Assistant

    Stephanie Miles, our Date with Nature Assistant from Sumburgh Head, Shetland, shares her experiences in support for Together for Trees our latest rainforest campaign.  Here Stephanie tells us about volunteering with sea turtles in Costa Rica which began her life in conservation.

    I was awoken before my alarm at 4.45am. It was already too hot to sleep in the tin-roofed…

  • Le Tour de RSPB

    Blogger: Erica Howe, Communications Officer


    I sat with goosebumps all over my arms and a tear in my eye. It was Sunday evening last week and I was watching the Tour de France on TV.

    This sporting occasion was going to go down in the history books. I was imagining telling my kids about the day I sat and watched Bradley Wiggin become the first Briton to ever win the Tour de France, arguably one of the hardest sporting…

  • Spiderman vs. Batman

    Blogger: Adam Murray, Communications Officer


    Have you watched the new Batman and Spiderman movies? Were you dragged along by your other half or are you a secret comic book superhero fan?

    This started off a debate in our office over who is best between these two masked crusaders. Spiderman had it easy being bitten by a radioactive spider giving him super cool powers. Whereas, Batman equally had it easy as he is a…

  • Feel the love!

    Back in late January we asked you to help us. Help us with something very close to our hearts. Hintlesham Woods is one of the largest remaining blocks of ancient woodland in Suffolk and is nationally important for its size, archaeological features and the communities of plants, birds, insects and other wildlife that live there.  


    However, it is threatened. National Grid is planning to construct new…

  • It takes a lot to look this good

    Blogger: Kate Blincoe, Communications Manager

    2012 is the year of pomp and circumstance; it will be remembered for its huge events and public display. It is a year to feel proud of our nation as a great party host. However, anyone who has ever thrown a party, particularly one with outdoors elements, can imagine the amount of work that has to go on behind the scenes.

    I love the London 2012 stats that make you see the…