Back in late January we asked you to help us. Help us with something very close to our hearts. Hintlesham Woods is one of the largest remaining blocks of ancient woodland in Suffolk and is nationally important for its size, archaeological features and the communities of plants, birds, insects and other wildlife that live there.  

However, it is threatened. National Grid is planning to construct new transmission lines in the area in order to accommodate new power generation from off-shore wind farms and the proposed Sizewell C nuclear power station.  One of the proposed routes for these transmission lines would cut right through the centre of the woods.  If it were to be chosen it would require the destruction of several hectares of this irreplaceable ancient woodland. It is unthinkable.

To destroy an ancient woodland isn’t to simply cut down all the trees. It would fragment the habitat, and reduce it’s natural value. It’s a bit like someone coming along, chopping you house in half and putting a brick wall through the middle of it. You could still live there for a while, but it wouldn’t be long before you suffocated with the lack of space and you certainly wouldn’t be able to sell it to anyone!  Given there were alternative routes available that wouldn’t involve the destruction and degradation of one of our most precious gems of natural heritage this was something we simply could not allow to happen without a fight!

This is where you came in.  We asked you to write to National Grid expressing concern and call on them to do the right thing and choose an alternative route.

And guess what?   A few weeks ago National Grid announced which route sections they propose to put underground and put forward a new option for the Hintlesham area, which would take the transmission lines around the north and western edge of the wood instead of through the centre.  Whilst it may not be our ideal outcome, it is a compromise that represents a clear victory for local wildlife and the local community.

It really is fantastic news and it wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for your effort and support, so from us to you...Thank You!  We could not have got this far without you.

But...there is always a but!

We are not out of the woods yet (pardon the pun!).  The new option is not final.  National Grid has opened a public consultation to allow people to have their say on the new proposed route.  We need your help once again to ensure that National Grid do not change their mind.

Step up for Hintlesham Woods by taking part in the public consultation:

  1. Please go to the project website at
  2. Click where it is says “To post a comment click here”

Alternatively you can write to:

Bramford – Twinstead Tee Public Consultation, Freepost, National Grid Connections (no further address or stamp is required).

Please keep your comments positive, after all they have listened to us!  The consultation closing date is Friday 27 July.

Please send copies of your comments or letter, and any replies to Alternatively, you can post it to: Steven Roddy, Hintlesham Woods Campaign, FREEPOST ANG6335, The RSPB, UK Headquarters, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2BR. This will help us monitor the progress of our campaign.

Finally, thank you for you help. Your efforts really do help make all the difference.

Erica, RSPB Communications Team, East