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Way back in August I had 4 visits from a female sparrowhawk, and nothing since. This afternoon, very late on, this beauty arrived and sat in next door's apple tree for a good 20 minutes. As one might expect, he had his back to me the whole time. However, as I was leaning through the bedroom window by a thread, I decided to whistle. Yeah!! He heard and turned his head.
He spied a potential meal and went bottoms up, flashing a lot of orange and white, but decided better of it (I think it was next door's collie dog). He then settled down for a nap, all fluffed up like a cuddly teddy.
It was almost dark by this time and I have struggled to get a decent photo. If anyone can do anything with these pictures for me, please feel free.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
So is Sparrow camped out by the window now waiting for their return? I would be!
Hope your new visitors come back tomorrow - but also hope your other new visitor doesn't come back also and make them lunch!
Hi everyone,
It was a joy just to watch them munching away. One of them came back later and stayed for about half an hour, all on his own. I've posted some piccies on another thread.