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Twice today a blackbird has nearly crashed straight into me! What on earth is going on? The birds are trying to kill me! And a little wren flew right in front of me, I swear he tried to pull a piece of string over the path but just wasn't strong enough lol
I think some birds need to get their eyes tested before taking to the air again, they are a hazard to other users of the airspace!
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
Hi Kat
I have noticed that my Blackbirds go a little mad at times.
The Robin creeps around to steal mealworm from the bowl before I place them in the ground feeders. He then does a loop-de-loop flight to show off his success rate at his catch.
The Wren sounds a hoot the way you describe his /her actions.
If I do not put out the food at the same time each day (later in the day) - the local friendly Blackbird does a semi-dive bomb over my head so he fluffs up my hair in the upward draught. LOL Oh he chinks really loudly in my ear too.
With Blackbirds, it is the low flight over the road in front of cars which scares me about them. All for the sake of protecting themselves from Prey. Silly billies.
Kathy and Dave
Sounds hillarious Kat. I think they are working together. Miss Wren trips you up and Mr. Blackbird headbuts you. Your title sounds like a good name for a book. You only have to write the story now.
Hi katai
Sounds like they got it in for you!!
you not putting they food out on time?
the blackbirds are the mafia of the birds DON'T upset them LOL
they got the little wren to put the frighteners on you, it worked!!!
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!
DON'T mess with the blackbirds!
I think you'd better start making up a cover story for when you end up in Casualty. I don't think they'll believe "It's that blackbird's fault!"
A closed mouth gathers no foot.
Hi Kat, thats funny, I think they are just so deliriously happy at the momment there getting haphazzard, SPRING IS IN THE AIR - YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH. and the mad march hares will be at it soon, you'll need your boxing gloves at the ready for them.
There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.
I had the same experience when out the other day, a Blackbird came flying right out of a hollybush just missing me - I jumped a mile!
Good luck dodging these missiles anyway, LOL!
Some blackbirds definitely need to have their eyes tested. I once watched as a blackbird flew straight to a tree trunk!
hi Trochilus
Talking about short sighted Blackbirds
I made a discovery one day that a male Blackbird had hit the pole connecting our Bird Feeder. He broke his neck. trying to protect his territory. He had a big fight with another Mr Blackie and did not look where he was going, and he wacked into the support pole and that was him. I tried to rescue him but he was too far gone.
That just upset me, and i had to bury him in a small shoe box our 'last' back garden. So sad.
Trochilus said: Some blackbirds definitely need to have their eyes tested. I once watched as a blackbird flew straight to a tree trunk!
Don't be silly, the tree jumped out in front of him ;-)