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Scones - what are your birds favourite 'a la carte'


Hi there

I have to say that my birds love Tesco's Sultana Scones {33p for a packet of 10}

I sprinkle out one a day on the ground and in the feeder plates

The birds love them a lot!!!

The funny thing is I could not get the famous scones one day.  I got Tesco Cheesy scones and they where hardly touched by the birds. 

Strange thing a birds love cheese, but not cheese scones {puzzled}

Anyone else noticed their birds have a love of Scones, homemade or otherwise, and what type?


Kathy and Dave


  • Rarely put scones out, as they all get eaten up, every crumb, in this house!  It could be that the birds especially like the sultanas, as I find if I put out a handful of these on my bird table, they all come flocking.

    Always put out our bacon rinds, as I'm not fond of eating them myself. These go down well, also the fat from a pork joint if you have not made 'crackling' from it: we hang it up by a string so that they can hang on & peck it.

  • i got a huge tub of dried meal worms..a bit pricey but felt extra protein was needed with ground frozen so hard and no insects about.

    Blackbirds love them..i counted 7 in my small garden and one female with a white bib.

    I have 2 wagtails that also have come along since i have started sprinkling the mealworms.

    A vey tall multi headed teasel grew from seed (only 1 made it) and did attrach a goldfinch but it sems to me that seedheads are empty so the birds rarely stay long on it.

    I collected loads of wild flower seeds when out walking in the summer and am going to try sowing these in a variety of soil mixes in pots to see what it will bring brother whos a forester gave me a tip-I put them in my freezer in some peat for a while to trigger germination when i sow them early spring.

    I made a big effort to plant insect/bird friendly plants in my garden and the place was alive with bees, caterpillars, spiders of every shape and size,etc...

    I think trying to help wildlife along with a wide variety of food, shelter will bring wonderful rewards to even a little garden.

    If any one has any ideas re waht to plant please let me know!



  • Today I put out my raw pastry trimmings gone in seconds.

  • Try planting a buddlhea (not sure how to spell it!-  bhuddlea? ) and you will gets lots & lots of butterflies, as they can 'smell' them for a couple of miles away!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 02/02/2010 22:41 in reply to Lindybird

    Interesting answers everyone, along with the misspellings .....{I mis-spell... but I have a valid reason due to Cataracts in my eyes and it would take a heart of 'cold insensitive' stone not to understand what it is like having a blurred vision.}

    Anyway, no worries here as it is interesting to hear what others think of feeding their birds with more humanisied food.

    What we do to help our wildlife has an effect on all other wildlife in the game of surviving each and every season.

    I am wary about bacon as long as it is not too salty


    Kathy and Dave



  • Hi everyone,

    I don't tend to put household scraps out as we never have any. My husband and our dogs see to that! We aren't cake eaters at all, and apart from a very occasional vanilla slice, there are never any in our house. Any pastry trimmings get squashed into small sausage shapes and put on top of the pie. I did put a cooked new potato out the other day, cut up.  It is still there! However, once a week we have a fish and chip supper. They always give us too many chips, so sometimes I do put a few of those out the following day for the jackdaws. They are cold and hard, but the jackdaws love them.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Doing my weekly shop at Tesco's tonight so shall get some of those 33p scones and see how they go! :-)

    (is it me or is this site incredibly slow lately....)

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Hi all

    Don't really put certain things out as such although have certainly thought about Blackbird's scones but keep forgetting to buy.  I have still got some christmas cake left over - not homemade but shop bought which is still within the sell by date.  According to the box it's "infused with cognac" not that you can really taste it - would this be okay to put out as it is full of rich fruit which I think the birds would love but obviously not really sure about the alcohol ingredient.



    Kezmo, Essex

  •  Apart from fruit and raisins, I don't buy anything else for the birds at the supermarket. I think your Christmas cake should be fine Kezmo, as the alcohol content must be extremely low by now.

  • Hi everyone,

    I crumble up three cheap sainsburys scones some sultanas, and any mashed potato for the bird table and it is cleared every day by the starlings,magpies and jackdaws sometimes the blue tits get a look in. The thrushes and blackbirds are happy with diced apple, sultanas, and diced cheese in a ground feeder, most of the other birds use the hanging feeders.                                  

    Regards  Derek