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Buddy, my little Robin Friend

While at university studying I did some research at a local zoo, the weather was not very nice but there was a little robin that used to always come and sit with me outside of the tiger enclosure.  I called him Buddy and saved him bits of my lunch.  Buddy did have a rival though, but he always saw him off and came hopping over to my feet again.  He seemed to find plenty to eat with all the crumbs that had been dropped on the floor by visitors.  He helped brighten up the dull days (the weather was terrible at the time)!

  • Lovely story Kat! Amazing how quickly birds learn that they can get food easily! When I worked in the orchards in Kent, we once planted (3 of us) 3,000 apple whips and a male blackbird soon learnt that worms were at disposal for him! We used to throw them to him (poor worms!) and he came very close for a rural bird (no gardens about)!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

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