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Hi there
I was talking to Dave on the phone today, and decided to visit the back garden to check the feeders.
Meantime, my friendly Mr Blackbird sat in the Hawthorn Tree close by.
Mr Blackbird and I had our chat (I said what a handsome boy he was etc..) and Dave could hear Mr Blackbird chonking at the same time while he was on the telephone
It was like an interloper on the phone, but a feathered interloper
How cute is that, and Dave could hear all the chonking going on! LOL {all the way to Glasgow}
Kathy and Dave
That's really cute, Kathy. Mr Blackbird must be missing Dave and was telling him to come home!
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
More likely telling him not to forget to pick up a bag of sultanas on the way home!
A closed mouth gathers no foot.