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Female reed bunting, I assume:
A very welcome rook joining the jackdaws:
2 years ago we had a lovely family of rooks whose youngsters would sunbathe on our trellis arch. We didn't get any last year, so maybe this one will bring his/her family in the spring. He/she certainly left with a good beakful!
A closed mouth gathers no foot.
What a wonderful photo, Jessyblue. I think they are magnificent birds - I love that fierce yellow eye.
I do see them in my garden (Berks) from time to time but have never managed to get a really good shot.
I knew you would be an asset to this forum when you said you were keen on photography.
Keep them coming.
My Flickr Photostream
Lovely photograph Jessyblue. Thank you.
Great photo Jessyblue. Did she get lucky?
We have a Sparrowhawk round here that looks very similar to her, a beautiful bird but I have mixed feelings on her visits!
You have quite the active garden - 7 years is a long wait for Long Tailed Tits! I had one, once! And Jackdaws etc never come in the garden.
I am so impressed with the shots you all seem to get! Do you stand outside, or have an open window? I would really appreciate some advice (if you've seen any of my offerings you'll know why!)
Hi Paul,
Yes it was a long wait. We saw them in the trees in the field across the lane but never in the garden. When they arrive, not every day, there's around 6+. As for Jackdaws we have quite a few visit every day. They have even learnt to hang off the peanut feeders. First they stood on a branch and then one day, there one was, hanging from the feeder like a Blue Tit. I couldn't believe it. I have a picture somewhere. I'll find it and upload it.
I was lucky with the Sparrowhawk. He's in regularly but I've never had the camera or he's been flying through. He has a regular route down through the garden. One day he flew right past my head.
I took the picture of the Sparrowhawk through the porch window. It was shut at the time. Sometimes it doesn't work. I haven't had much luck waiting outside. I like visiting the Hawk Conservancy. You can get beautiful pictures at places like that. I take loads. That's the beauty of digital isn't it? Patience is the key I suppose and I don't have much unfortunately.
I find Jackdaws, Blackbirds and especially Robins quite good subjects but I've yet to get a Blue Tit that wasn't blurred. They never keep still!
Just keep at it Scrabbler ~ that's the answer.
Thanks Tony. It was real luck. I was stood there taking pictures of Blackbirds at the Birdtable and suddenly they were all gone and the Sparrowhawk was on the post. I don't get luck like that often but when I do it's a real buzz.