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My unusual garden visitors

Female reed bunting, I assume:

A very welcome rook joining the jackdaws:

2 years ago we had a lovely family of rooks whose youngsters would sunbathe on our trellis arch. We didn't get any last year, so maybe this one will bring his/her family in the spring. He/she certainly left with a good beakful!

A closed mouth gathers no foot.

  • What a wonderful photo, Jessyblue. I think they are magnificent birds - I love that fierce yellow eye.

    I do see them in my garden (Berks) from time to time but have never managed to get a really good shot.

    I knew you would be an asset to this forum when you said you were keen on photography.

    Keep them coming.





    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Lovely photograph Jessyblue. Thank you.

  • Great photo Jessyblue.  Did she get lucky?

    We have a Sparrowhawk round here that looks very similar to her, a beautiful bird but I have mixed feelings on her visits!


    You have quite the active garden - 7 years is a long wait for Long Tailed Tits!  I had one, once!  And Jackdaws etc never come in the garden.  

  • I am so impressed with the shots you all seem to get!  Do you stand outside, or have an open window? I would really appreciate some advice (if you've seen any of my offerings you'll know why!)

  • Hi Paul,

    Yes it was a long wait.  We saw them in the trees in the field across the lane but never in the garden.  When they arrive, not every day,  there's around 6+.  As for Jackdaws we have quite a few visit every day.  They have even learnt to hang off the peanut feeders.  First they stood on a branch and then one day, there one was, hanging from the feeder like a Blue Tit.  I couldn't believe it. I have a picture somewhere.  I'll find it and upload it.

    I was lucky with the Sparrowhawk.  He's in regularly but I've never had the camera or he's been flying through.  He has a regular route down through the garden.  One day he flew right past my head. 



  • I took the picture of the Sparrowhawk through the porch window.  It was shut at the time.  Sometimes it doesn't work. I haven't had much luck waiting outside.  I like visiting the Hawk Conservancy.  You can get beautiful pictures at places like that.  I take loads.  That's the beauty of digital isn't it?  Patience is the key I suppose and I don't have much unfortunately.

    I find Jackdaws, Blackbirds and especially Robins quite good subjects but I've yet to get a Blue Tit that wasn't blurred.  They never keep still!

    Just keep at it Scrabbler ~ that's the answer.


  • Thanks Tony.  It was real luck. I was stood there taking pictures of Blackbirds at the Birdtable and suddenly they were all gone and the Sparrowhawk was on the post.  I don't get luck like that often but when I do it's a real buzz.
