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Morning all,
picture it....
I was sitting in the conservatory with a cup of coffee, watching the 10 Blackbirds argue, the Robin come and go and the Sparrows chatter and flutter about. Then all of a sudden one of the female Blackbirds let out a panic stricken alarm call, everyone scattered and the Female Sparrowhawk flew like lightning from the side of the house and landed on the neighbour's shed.
I managed to get a few shots of her (the light isn't too good since its snowing), and then she was off.
I didn't have chance to change the focus points of the camera, hence why she's in the bottom of the photo :o)
Its also a good job my coffee wasn't hot - I jumped a mile and it went everywhere! I was soaked in coffee snapping away and overcome by the surprise, lol!
I'm surprised its taken this long for her to show up considering the weather. Especially since she's been a visitor here for a while now (few years), She has white patches on the back of her head that I recognise :o)
Thanks for your comments everyone :o)
She was back around today, I saw her in the neighbour's tree. She never came to our garden for lunch though.
Its amazing how observant the other birds are when she's around, they panic, scream and scatter. I've noticed too that the Blackbirds adopt a sort of squat with their head tucked down and hide under the bushes, if they think they can't get out of the garden safely.
I'd love to know where she goes when she's not hunting near the house though.
Great pictures.
Bit of a double edged sword isn't it? We all want a sparrowhawk in the garden, but we know that means death for one of our regular visitors.
An egret changed my life!
So true Billy,
I have seen just 4 sparrowhawk visits to my garden, and all during last summer. First time she was lucky, next 3 times she wasn't. I wouldn't have missed the display for anything, but secretly I'm glad she isn't a regular.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
You're so right Billy and Sparrow. They're magnificent to see and exciting but you know if they are successful one of your birds is going to die...and then you feel guilty if the Sparrowhawk goes hungry too! I always joke I'd prefer it if she'd have a bacon sandwich, lol!
This one that comes here has been around a while - I first photographed her 22nd January 2007, I think she was a bit more of an immature hunter then and this was her new territory. Its funny, she's been around such a while now I'm glad to see her, but glad I don't see her very often!
WOW!! What a lovely and majestic bird of prey. I love these, they are a favourite of mine.
Well done with the photos, truly stunning.
Great pics!
Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games [Robert Falcon Scott]
I can't imagine ever posting a photo if this is the standard from you all! It really is thrilling to see these wonderful birds hunting. Last visit we had, we lost a starling.
Squirrel, I love you tag. It totally fits in with my view on life!
Unknown said:I can't imagine ever posting a photo if this is the standard from you all!
Hi Linda,
You clearly haven't seen some of the excuses for photos that I have posted on these forums! Don't be afraid - everyone is always kind to me - post away.
Wow, I would love to see this bird, what fab photo's!
Well guess who was back again this morning! This was her third visit in a week - and yet another failed attempt. I'm actually feeling very sorry for her as she's obviously hungry, I have noticed that the 'effort' doesn't seem to be like usual. Like this morning, she came across the garden at Sparrow Corner and her feet did go through the ivy after them, but she wasn't going all that fast. If that makes sense to anyone!
She then sat on top of the greenhouse, looked around, turned around and then flew into the big conifer in nextdoor-butt-one's garden. And here's the thing I've never seen here before - while perched at the top of the conifer a Carrion crow came from nowhere and flew at her and kept on at her until she flew off - and he chased her off.
Another exciting saturday morning here, but I hadn't got my camera out this time!
I hope my babbling makes sense, lol!