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Hi there
Could not believe how many Woodpigeons, (and Starlings) I had in my garden this morning. Lost count LOL
Excuse the smudged look as photo's where taken through glass window.
Kathy and Dave
I have 4 Woodpigeons on a regular basis who are very adept at feeding off my multi bird feeder. I also counted 9 starlings at one sitting yesterday allthough this is a small no compared with the 10's of them in the summer. My sister never has starlings in her garden only posh birds !!
Hi Kathy,
over the last few days I've seen large numbers of Woodpigeons upto flocks of 1500.
As I've mentioned in some other posts the birds are been driven to extremes in search of food during this prolonged cold period.
Hope you have plenty of seed and grain as the Woodies will eat you out of house and home!!!!
Regards Buzzard
Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way
Sob. As with fieldfares and redwings, the woodpigeons are not coming to number 41.
I had one single one way back in the summer. None since. Yet we have woods, fields and farmland all round us. I wonder if it because I don't have any grass in my back garden? Not than anyone has at the moment.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
I've had quite a few woodpigeons while there was snow but now I have gone back to three pairs, I get more doves
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!