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For Sparrow


The lady who loves tortoises. It's a shame we can't post photo's directly to a friend.

African Spur Thighed tortoises, who were very snug & happy under their heatlamp on Sunday. There were 6 altogether, one went for a very agile & confident roam around his enclosure.


  • Ooooh thanks Birdmum. They are brilliant. They clearly aren't young ones, so they may have been underweight after the summer, otherwise they would be in hibernation. Unless the zoo has a policy of not hibernating their torts. It might be difficult if they have a large number, and as long as they are given the right heat and light, with plenty of food, they won't come to any harm not hibernating.

    They are truly fascinating creatures, and all thoughts of them being slow, boring and cumbersome should be excluded from your minds. They can be speedy, and are extremely agile, and lots of fun. They are also quite loving, especiallly if they get lots of tickles under their chins.

    My 3 are Mediterranean Hermanns, originating from Greece, but they look pretty much the same.


    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 06/01/2010 01:07 in reply to Sparrow

    I'm not sure why they weren't hybernating Sparrow, I was surprised to see them, as some animals & birds move out of their usual enclosures for winter. There wasn't a keeper in that area on Sunday but we are going again this weekend for my sons birthday (he is adopting 2 gibbons who have just had a baby). If I see the nice keeper who is usually in this area I will ask her.