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Some more unusual well loved birdfoods


hi there

I have to say we have had our selection of birds in our garden,  We have bought all types of food stuffs to keep them happy.  So the more unusal foodstuffs comes as this:

Red Leistershire Red cheese (sp) (they love this cheese)

Sultanas - soaked until soft (not raisins)

Current scones crumbled (cheap Tescos 32p for 6 or similar)

Any fruit cores, or apple cores cut up go down a treat.

Grapes Seedless Green over Red - cut up in small pieces

All fruits as Thrushes love them a lot

Just other food stuffs to consider as all birds just love them.


Kathy and Dave





  • Now you know where to come Marjus - only my husband eats blackcurrant cheesecake  - note for your diary I will be putting leftovers out on Boxing Day!

  • Make sure you wear your best bib and tucker (and beak, I guess) MarJus! ☺

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Bacon rind, fatty bread (i.e. bits of stale bread soaked in left-over far from cooking), leftovers from the sunday dinner (they loved their yorkshire puds!)...


  • Every day the wild birds get:

    Bread (buttered! My other half goes too far!)
    Ground peanuts mixed with sultanas or currants (unsoaked), Morrisons value muesli and grated cheese (Cheddar - our birds don't get posh red Leicester!)
    Straight wild bird seed mix
    Some full peanuts for the jackdaws and woodpigeons
    Sunflower seeds if the greenfinches' feeders need topping up

    Beaks are generally turned up at any sort of fresh fruit. Windfall apples under the tree are ignored. I'll have to try the leftover roast spuds sometime!

    Meanwhile the crows and magpies get a mix of (depending on the bird):

    Roast chicken legs or wings
    Mealworms (live or dried, depending on the bird)
    Waxworms as treats
    Insectivorous mix (good for wild birds too)
    Chopped grapes
    Small amounts of cheese
    Soaked dog biscuits
    Cat food

    Spoiled? I think so!

    A closed mouth gathers no foot.

  • I've tried putting cheese out for my birds but they don't seem interested, and my dogs always end up eating it.

    On Wednesday, as I have run out of bird food and can't afford any more for a while, I made some with stuff from the kitchen - crushed up cornflakes, dry porridge oats, dried fruit mix (Tesco value), and crushed up pecan nuts. The starlings devoured it all within a very short space of time! Think a couple of blackbirds and other smaller birds got a look in too!

    I once attemtped to make some fat cakes but they sat there for so long without any interest that they went mouldy, so i threw them out.

    In the winter when my starlings are present (they disappear all summer) a few old apples are welcomed by them but no other birds touch them, whatever time of year.

  • There's no way I could give up my Red Leicester, its my favourite cheese. No way, not happening in my Garden.

    Will buy extra seed instead.

  • Juno ... I feel the same way about sultanas!!

    I crush up peanuts to make a mix for my sparrows and small birds. Does anyone know of an easy way to crush peanuts?? I make an unholy mess everywhere and it takes ages.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi Sparrow

    I had the same problem.  I tried putting them in a blender but was never quick enough to stop it in time and most of my peanuts ended up as fine powder.  Now I put them in between a bag or clingfilm and bash the living daylights out of them with a rolling pin - works for me and also really good for letting of steam and getting rid of the stresses of the week - very therapeutic!

  • Hi Kezmo,

    Brilliant and thank you. I will give it a try tonight. I use a hammer on a bread board!! Hubby suggested a mincer, but we don't have a mincer.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi Sparrow

    Good luck hope it works out for you.  Just a tip when doing it, leave enough room in the bag or clingfilm so the peanuts can move about when you whack them otherwise the bag splits and you end up either wearing the peanuts and/or pebble dashing the kitchen wall!